geological timeline project

  • precambrian time

    precambrian time
    formation of earth, divided into three eons: hadean, arhean and proterozoic.
  • Period: to

    M Ruiz p.3

    geological timescale
  • cambrian

    first fungi appear trilobites are dominant
  • ordolucian

    siluria extinction event first vertebrates appear
  • silurian

    first land plants appear, first jawed fishes appear
  • pevonian

    first land animals, first amphinians appear
  • missisipian period

    a period of mass sediment deposited in the now state of missisipi
  • holocene

    earth enters warning age
  • carboniterous

    first reptiles appear first large cartilaginous fishes appear
  • permian

    triassic extinction event pangea forms
  • triassic

    pangea cracks first mammals appear
  • jurassic

    first birds appear. dinosours are dominant
  • cretaceous

    earth looks closer to presen day flowering plants appear
  • pateocene

    first large mammals appear
  • eocene

    eocene- oligoecene extinction event
  • oligocene

    mammals are dominant
  • miocene

    grass becomes widespread
  • pitocene

    hominids appear
  • pleistocene

    earliest humans appear ice age begins
  • anthropocene

    humans activities start to have drought impact on earth geology and ecosystems