Thomas Newcomen/ Steam Engine
Built an atmospheric steam engine used to pump water out of existing coal and tin mines in the native Newcomen area of south-west England, particularly in Cornwall. -
Seven Years´War
was a global conflict that involved most of the European great powers, and was fought primarily in Europe, the Americas, and Asia-Pacific. -
George Washington crosses the Delaware
during the American Revolutionary War, was the first move in a surprise attack organized by George Washington against Hessian forces, which were German auxiliaries aiding the British, in Trenton, New Jersey, on the morning of December 26. -
James Hargreaves/ jenny spinner
This device greatly reduced the labor required for thread production, giving a single worker the ability to handle eight or more spools at a time. -
James Watt/watt steam engine
In the year 1769 it was Watt who patented the steam engine as such. That is why some consider Watt to be the real inventor of the steam engine. With his machine, Watt introduced substantial improvements to previous machines that used steam power in a very poor way. -
James Darby/ Metallurfical oven
He developed a method of producing high quality iron in a blast furnace fueled by coke instead of coal, which was a great advance in the production of iron as a basic material for industry. -
Boston Tea Party
the protest that was generated by the heavy taxes that the British Crown intended to charge on the tea that reached its colonies in North America. -
First Continental Congress
The First Continental Congress was a gathering of people from 12 of the 13 British colonies in America in 1774. They met to talk about how to deal with unfair things the British government was doing, like taxes and trade rules. -
Battle of Concord and Lexington
The Battle of Concord was a fight between British soldiers and American colonists in 1775. The British soldiers were trying to take the colonists' weapons, but the colonists fought back and won. -
Second Continental Congress
The second Congress took over the military effort and slowly moved towards independence -
USA Declaration of Independence
the document justified the independence of the United States by listing colonial claims against King George III and affirmed certain natural and legal rights, including the right of revolution. -
Saratoga Battle
Its outcome contributed, to a large extent, to decide the final result of the contest in favor of the continental army. -
French Treaty of Alliance
creating a military alliance between the United States and France against Great Britain. -
Samuel Crompton/spinning mule
It was a machine used to spin cotton and other fibers. They were used extensively from the late 18th century to the early 20th century in factories in Lancashire and elsewhere. -
British surrendered in Yorktown
British General Charles Cornwallis surrendered his army of some 8,000 men to General George Washington at Yorktown, giving up any chance of winning the Revolutionary War. -
Edmund Cratwright/ mechanical loom
It is a mechanized loom system driven by a transmission shaft. The mechanical loom was the result of the evolution of the manual loom, using a mechanical unit to connect and synchronize all the mechanisms. -
Henry Cort/forniest
began to refine iron and convert it from pig iron to wrought iron (or pig iron) using innovative production systems. In 1783 he patented the puddling or puddling process for refining iron. -
Eli Whitney/ cotton gin
Cotton gin is a device that separates cotton seeds from cotton fiber. -
Nicolas Appert/ can
Appert placed various foods in glass bottles, closed with corks and subjected to heat using boiled water, which retained their quality and suitability, which were distributed to the different places of the French army. -
Richard Trevithick/steam locomotive
The locomotive had a single cylinder, had a flywheel, and power was transmitted to the wheels by gears. -
R. Fulton/Steamboat
Several men had built steamboats before Fulton including John Fitch and William Symington but he was the first to have commercial success in American waters, and thus Fulton was popularly considered the inventor of the steamboat. -
Luddite rebellion in Great Britain
The machine-breaking disturbances that rocked the wool and cotton industries were known as the 'Luddite riots'. -
George Stephenson/first railway line
The line was intended to transport coal. The wagons were pulled by steam engines. Passengers were transported by horse-drawn carriages. -
Michael faraday/electric motor
It is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy of rotation through the action of magnetic fields generated in its coils. They are rotating electrical machines composed of a stator and a rotor. -
Jonh deere/steel plow
n 1837 he developed and built his first steel plow, although whether or not Deere was the first to invent the steel plow is a matter of controversy. The hard polished iron had a steel part that made it ideal for the harsh soil of the Midwest, working better than other plows. -
Samuel MOrse/electric telegraph
The telegraph is an apparatus or device that uses electrical signals to transmit encoded text messages, such as Morse code, over wire lines or radio communications. -
Antonio Meucci/phone
It is a telecommunication device created to transmit acoustic signals at a distance by means of electrical signals. -
bessemer converterer/henry
he key principle is the removal of impurities from iron through oxidation produced by blowing air into molten iron. Oxidation causes the temperature of the iron mass to rise and keeps it molten. -
The london underground
The London Underground first opened as an underground railway in 1863 and its first electrified underground line opened in 1890, making it the world's oldest metro system. -
Charles Tellier/refrigerator
created its first liquid ammonia gas circulation refrigeration machine for the production of cold for domestic and industrial use -
Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone that had been invented by Antonio Meucci
The invention of the telephone was the culmination of work done by more than one individual, and led to an array of lawsuits relating to the patent claims of several individuals and numerous companies. -
Thomas Alba Edison/phonograph
The phonograph was the most common early device for recording and reproducing sounds from the 1870s to the 1880s. -
Karl Benz, car
Wheeled self-propelled vehicle that, due to its design, can travel on land without the need for a guidance device. -
Wright Brothers/plane
en lograr que un aparato más pesado que el aire, controlable y con motor se sostuviera en vuelo.