Feb 18, 1343
Geoffrey Chaucer's birth
The 18 Febrery of 1343 of February Geoffrey Chaucer born in London, England -
Apr 18, 1359
Travel with Lionel of Antwerp
The 18 April of 1359, in the early stages of the Hundred Years' War, Edward III invaded France and Chaucer travelled with Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence, Elizabeth's husband, as part of the English army. -
Aug 21, 1366
his weding
On 1366 Geoffrey Chaucer married Philippa Roet -
Sep 12, 1368
Began wrtten The Book of the Duchess
Th 12 September of 1368 began written The Book of the Duchess -
Feb 19, 1372
finish writing The Book of the Duchess
The 19 February finish writing The Book of the Duchess -
Oct 25, 1400
The 25 Octover of 1400 Geoffery Chaucer died