
By boofuz
  • Native Americans

    Settlers brought diseases, they were looking for gold. Settlers made Natives move (Trail of Tears). Many died.
  • Namibia

    Namibi revolted German settlers. Over 75,000 died. In 2004 Germany admits to genocide.
  • Ukraine

    100,000 Russians were sent to stop farming. 7 million died, 25% of the population lost.
  • Nanjing; Rape of Naking

    20,000-80,000 men, women, children died. Women were raped. Men were shot, and beheaded.
  • North Korea

    Nazi like experience; if you were against you died. 1.6 million died, and still happening today.
  • Tibet

    Population control. 1959: 6 million dead. 2000: deaths decreased 15 %
  • Cambodia

    Civil war; Khmer Raige was overthorn.
    25% of poplation died.
  • Kurds

    Northern Iraq. Suddam Hussein - based in religion/ethnicty: abducted, tortured, deported.
  • Serbia

    Men and women separted. 7,500 men killed, 20,000 missing. Serbs were responsible. Dutch wanted French to help.
  • Bosnia

    Civil War in 1992. 8,000-9,000 died. Serbia wanted to rule the land.
  • Rwanda

    Plane was shot down; hours after the plane crash killings began. 800,000 people died. Lost 3/4 of population.
  • Congo

    Raped and tortured, political problems, diseases, and religion.