Hitler and nazism

Genocidal Actions Caused By Hitler

  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    President Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Reich Chancellor of Germany
  • Period: to

    From Hitler beoming chancellor to the end of WW 2

  • Boycott signs posted on Jewish Buisnesses

    Boycott signs posted on Jewish Buisnesses
    These signs that were posted on Jewish Buisnesses read; Germans, defend yourselves against Jewish atrocity propagada, buy only at German Shops!
  • Jews lose health insurence

    Jews lose health insurence
    The Jews lose the ability to have health insurence. The Nazis claimed that Jews killed Christan Children in Newspapers
  • Nuremburg Law Passed

    Nuremburg Law Passed
    This law no longer allowed Jews to be classified as Germans, not allowed to have any kind of relationship with Non-Jews, and finally, not allowed to marry Non-Jews
  • Jews anned from professional jobs

    Jews anned from professional jobs
    Jews were not allowed to work in a professional field like doctors, lawyers,engineers,etc.
  • Jews banned from political and goverment work

    Jews banned from political and goverment work
    Jews were no longer allowed to become or stay mayor or work for goverment institution.
  • Kristallnacht

    *The Star of David was placed on Jewish businesses to identify them. *Kristallnacht (Night of The Broken Glass) –
    -100 Jews murdered,
    -20,000 Jews sent to concentration camps,
    -Over 1,000 synagogues burned down
    -Windows of Jewish shops burned down,
    - Jews forced to pay the fine for Kristallnacht.
    *Austria unites with Germany
    -Austrian Jews now persecuted as well.
    -Jewish passports in Germany and Austria now have to be stamped with a large red J
  • Jews Forced to Wear Yellow Star

    Jews Forced to Wear Yellow Star
    *Jews banned from state schools, cinemas, and public places
    *Jews forced to close down and sell their businesses
    *Germany occupies Czechoslovakia and invades Poland
    *All Jews in Nazi controlled territory forced to wear yellow star
  • Aushwitz Opens

    Aushwitz Opens
    *Germany invades Holland, Denmark, Belgium, and Norway
    *Auschwitz (concentration camp) opens
    *Warsaw ghetto is sealed off in Poland killing 400,000 Jews inside.
  • Germany Invades USSR

    Germany Invades USSR
    *The Einsatzgruppen is setup- a killing squad made to murder Jews in the USSR
    *All Jews in Europe have to wear yellow star
    *Starvation and disease is the cause for thousands of deaths
    *In Chelmno (the very first death camp) Jews are gassed.
  • More death camps begin to murder Jews

    More death camps begin to murder Jews
    *Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz (death camps) Begin murdering Jews.
    *Large deportation of Western Jews to Auschwitz begins.
  • Nazis Tried to Hide Evidence of Death Camps

    *Death camps are burned to the ground and trees are planted over the site to hide what had really happened.
    *Gypsies are now sent to other concentration camps.
  • More Jews deported to Auschwitz

    *Hungarian Jews begin to be deported all the way to Auschwitz
    *The Auschwitz death march starts
  • World War 2 Ends, Jews liberated

    *Soviet troops liberate Auschwitz
    *British and American troops liberate Western concentration camps
    *World War 2 ends
    -Germany surrenders on April 26, 1945
    -Japan surrenders on September 2, 1945
    *Hitler commits suicide with his wife because he didn’t want to be found and prosecuted.