Day #1
Today I made my essential question/idea: How did these specific celebrities known for music become famous? (Selena Gomez, Kendrick Lamar, and Romeo Santos). Also, what impact did fame have on them? -
Day #2
I created a weebly account because I will post daily on what I learned about that specific person that day. I also extended my essential question and started my set up for the blog I will use. -
Day #3
I continued my set-up of my weebly site. My website domain is fame-skr-ghp.weebly.com -
Day #4
I started my research for Selena Gomez but mainly focused on her childhood. -
Day #5
Today I continued my research on Selena Gomez but focused on her adulthood although she is still young. When my research was completed I added the research to my blog. -
Day #6
Today I started my research on Kendrick Lamar. I decided because he has a strong and detailed childhood I will spend a longer time focusing on his childhood. -
Day #7
I continued my research on Kendrick Lamar. After, I fixed my errors on the words. -
Day #8
Today I typed the information I have on Kendrick Lamar on my weebly blog/ website. -
Day #9
Today I continued my edits for the homepage, about, and other options for the website setup. I also started my research on Romeo Santos. -
Day #10
I typed the information I gathered for Romeo Santos and fixed my typing errors. I also published the website. -
Final Day of Genius Hour
Today, I completed my small powerpoint of the short speech I made.