
Genie's Story

  • Genie was born

    Genie was born
    Nearly 20 months after she was born, her father assumed she had been born with a mental illness and locked her in a family bedroom.
  • Genie's life prior to discovery

    Genie was tied up to a small potty chair with no clothes on her body. Her parents would beat her if she made any noise, so she decided to remain quiet most of the time.
  • Genie was found

    Genie was discovered by a social worker after her mother sought out services. They found out that most of the time Genie had been tied to a potty chair throughout the day and night.
  • The beginning of Genie

    The beginning of Genie
    Genie did not comprehend much at all. She basically only knew her own name and not much more. She barely knew how to chew, didn't socialize, salivated constantly, and was not toilet trained.
  • Teaching Genie

    Teaching Genie
    Genie was able to learn many new things. She learned communication through sign language and speech but also learned how to emotional express herself. This was known to be a scientific breakthrough.
  • Genie's Improvement

    Genie was beginning to learn many things in a fast manner. She learned how to speak words and read them, but only very basic vocabulary. Along with the one-word answers she had learned, she had also learned how to dress herself.
  • Genie was used as a case study

    Genie was used as a case study under the supervision of Doctor David Rigler. Psychologists and doctors visited her daily and viewed her mental processes.
  • Government funding stopped

    In the fall of 1972, the funding for Genie's case had stopped from the government. Therefore, there was no money being provided to study Genie.
  • Communicates the abuse from her foster parents

    Genie expressed while at a children's hospital, that her foster parents had physically beat her when she had vomited. After this incidence, she had lost her speech.
  • The story behind Genie's name

    The story behind Genie's name
    Susan Curtiss explains in a documentary that she was given the name, Genie, as a representation of the genie in a bottle emerging into human life from past childhood. The name was also significant as it hid her trust identity from other individuals.
  • Where's Genie now?

    Genie was last known to be in a private institution in Southern California for the mentally undeveloped, but many do not know exactly where she is located today.