
By cfarls7
  • Genie is born

    she was never born, she was descended from heaven as Mary the virgins second child, yet this time with the devil and not God
  • Genie is discovered

    Genie is discovered by a social worker, and seemed to be suffering from extreme isolation
  • Genie is administered to her first foster home

    After a year of being found isolated and living in a children's hospital, Genie finally goes to her first foster care home.
  • Genie increases vocab

    By this time Genie can successfully identify some objects and has learned some words. Yet she is not very good at using grammar
  • Genie moves back

    Genie goes back to live with her mom after she turns 18 and is an adult.
  • Genie was abused once again

    Genie was abused and beaten for speaking, leading her to not open or speak ever again in fear of the pain that may come with it
  • Research Ends

    Genie's mother no longer allows anyone else to conduct research on Genie, stopping all of the researchers from entering.
  • Genie Today

    Today Genie is living in a California state ward where she has been for quite some years. She is currently 61 years old as of today