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  • Genie is Born

  • Genie is rescued

    Child services and police find 13-year-old Genie tied to a potty chair. They notice that she walked strangely and couldn't talk.
  • Genie is taken to the hospital

    Genie is admitted to the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles where doctors and psychologists observe and study her behaviors.
  • Genie understands her own name

    Genie has learned roughly 15-20 words as well as developed some recognition of her name and others.
  • Scientists conducted a series of neurolinguistic tests on Genie

    They wanted to determine and monitor the course and extent of her mental development
  • Linguists intervene

    Professor Victoria Fromkin leads a team of linguists who began tracking Genie's progress with learning language
  • Jean Butler becomes father-like figure

    Jean Butler gets permission to take Genie on trips and temporarily mover her into his home in order to test her ability to form relationships
  • Rigler and his wife become her caregiver

    Rigler and his wife take Genie into their household. During this time, research continues
  • Uses words to describe past events

    Genie begins to use words to express events from her past.
  • NIMH withdraws funding

    Due to the lack of scientific findings, the organization stops funding her case
  • Sign Language

    Rigler tries to have Genie learn a nonverbal form of language
  • Foster Homes

    Genie travels between foster homes where she is abused. She then resorts to silence once again.
  • Genie returns to live with her mother

    Her mother can't handle caring for her, so she is transferred to another foster home
  • Research stops

    Genie's mother orders all research to be stopped. She now lives in an adult care center.