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  • Genie is born

  • Genie is locked in her room

    Genie is locked in her room after her father determines she is mentally retarded. She will stay in this room for 13 years.
  • Genie escapes with her mother.

    In 1970, Genie's 50-year-old mother, Irene, escaped with Genie, then 13.
  • Child welfare authorities find Genie

    Genie and her mother turned up at welfare offices in Los Angeles, seeking financial support. There, the authorities notice Genies behavior.
  • Genie changes location

    In June 1971 Genie left the hospital to live with her teacher. A month and a half later, authorities placed her with the family of the scientist heading the research team, with whom she lived for almost four years.
  • "Developmental Consequence of Extreme Social Isolation"

    From 1971 to 1975, a multidisciplinary team used Genie as a case study entitled "Developmental Consequence of Extreme Social Isolation" under the direction of Dr. David Rigler.
  • Genie returns to her mother.

    Genie returned to live with her mother in mid-1975 after turning 18, who decided after only a few months that she could not care for her.
  • Genie is abused in foster care

    Genie returned to the Children's Hospital and described in sign language how her foster parents had punished her for vomiting. She never regained speech after this event.
  • A book about Genie is written

    Russ Rymer writes a book about the story of Genie: "Genie: An Abused Child's Flight From Silence,".
  • Genie's mother sues

    Genie's mother, Wiley, filed a lawsuit against the hospital and her daughter's individual caregivers, alleging they used Genie for "prestige and profit."
  • Today

    Genie is still alive today, in an adult foster care center where she is being taken care of along with other mentally underdeveloped adults.