Victor, "Wild Boy" is discovered
Chomsky says syntax is central to language aquisition
Genie was born
Clark's (Genie's father) mother dies in a car accident.
Clark (Genie's father) commits suicide
Genie becomes public
Genie in a hospital being observed
Scientists fighting over Genie and making decisions about her future
Curtiss meets Genie for the first time and the study of linguistics is brought in.
Genies leaves the hospital and moves in with Jean Butler, her teacher.
Genies moves in with Dr. Rigler and his family.
Curtiss notices that Genie is "listening".
Genie gets involved and moves to the music.
Genie understands "W" questions but cannot produce her own.
Miner files to be Genie's legal guardian
Miner is granted guardianship of Genie.
Rigler speaks at a conference in Hawaii where he reports on Genie.
Rigler asks for additional money to continue his research with Genie.
Fall 1973 -
Genie told a lie which shows she was able to "fantasize verbally and to manipulate (p. 129)".
No more money was granted to Rigler
Rigler wrote a letter to the hospital telling of Genie's progress. He then gives her up to foster care after receiving no addtional funds. Genie goes back to live with her mother, Irene.
Irene put Genie in a 'home" where she digressed.
Greenen, a social worker, filed a complaint saying Miner was not a good legal guardian and that guardianship should be transferred.
Curtiss' dissertation published into a book
Curtiss no longer allowed to work with Genie.
Curtiss wrote a letter to Miner to complain about Genie's situation and unhappiness.
Late 1977/ beginning of 1978 -
Irene again in charge of Genie.
Rigler in court trying to get money for his time taking care of Genie.
November/December 1978