Jan 1, 1162
Temüjin is born
It is not really known what day Temüjin was born, but scholars agree that 1162 was the most likely year for his birth to have happened. -
Jan 1, 1171
Temujin's father is killed
The exact date is not fully known, but when Temujin's father, Yesukhei, to meet a girl he would go on to marry, Yesukhei was poisoned by an enemy tribe and died. -
Jan 1, 1178
Temujin marries Bortei
Temujin marries Bortei after he escapes from the captivity of an enemy tribe. -
Jan 1, 1190
Jamuka Attacks Camp
In 1190, Jamuka raided Temujin's camp, cruelly horse-dragging and even boiling alive his captives, which turned many of his followers against him. -
Jan 1, 1201
2nd Jamuka Attack
Jamuka again attacked Temujin in 1201. Despite an arrow in his neck, Temujin defeated and took in Jamuka's remaining soildiers. -
Period: Dec 8, 1204 to Dec 31, 1204
Temujin Unites Mongolia
In 1204, Temujin finishes conquring all the Mongolian tribes and finishes the unification of the Mongols -
Dec 31, 1219
Khan Rules Northern China
By this time, Genghis Khan has taken control of the land from the Afgan border to northern China. -
Aug 18, 1227
Genghis Khan's Death
It is unknown what caused his death. Favored theories include a fever, illness, falling off his horse, and wounds from hunting or battle.