General Robert E. Lee

  • Birth of Robert Edward Lee

    Birth of Robert Edward Lee
    Born in Stratford Hall, Stratford, Virginia
  • Mexican war

    Mexican war
    Robert E. Lee served in the Mexican war for the USA. Lee was a very good soldier. Went to one of the best military schools at the time; Westpoint Academy. He also was in charge of engineering. Ulysses S. Grant and Lee knew each other and grant was a quartermaster in the Mexican war.
  • Taking sides

    Taking sides
    Lee was in service for the USA military. When the war began, Lee was offered the command of the Union army. Lee turned down the offer because he could not fight against his own state(Virginia) that had joined the CSA. Lee became the General of the Confederate army and was one if not the best general of the CSA.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    Now that Lee was in a better stance of commanding the army he once again stirred the enemy away from Richmond Virginia. In the second battle of bull run the confederates once again one a victory against the Union.
  • Turning point for Lee

    Turning point for Lee
    General Johnston of CSA was leading his troops back towards Virginia when Union General McClellan attacked them. This battle was called the Battle of Seven Pines. CSA General Johnston was badly injured. This then put Lee in most charge over the Confederate army.
  • Antietam

    Lee wanted to shift the fighting out of Virginia and on to Northern soil. He believed a major victory on Northern soil would gain the south more support. Lee was wrong and Union General McClellan managed to see lees plans and meet him at sharpsburg. This battle was the battle of Antietam and eventually Lee pulled his men out and the union claimed victory. Though both sides lost somewhat of an equal amount of men Antietam was declared the bloodiest/deadliest single day in us history.
  • Chancellorsville

    Lee brought his men down to Chancellorsville. He won while being outnumbered two-one. He split his army in two and encircled the enemy. Lee lost one of his best men; “stonewall” Jackson.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Lee’s army was dwindling in size and in supplies. He and his men went down to Gettysburg for a desperate need for shoes. When Union General Meade was stationed at cemetery ridge. Lee ordered his other arm in command general George Pickett. For three days Pickett and the men charged over and open field. This was the turning point in the war where the union started to win more because of the lack of men and supplies of the CSA.
  • Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

    Battle of Spotsylvania Court House
    Grant marched down southward with his army to fight with Lee's army down at the Spotsylvania Court House. They fought for 12 days and 20 hours. The rebels managed to hold their ground. but grant disengaged his troops and ordered them to continue down into richmond,va.
  • Petersburg

    General Grant moved his army around Lee's men crossed the James river and continued to advance onto Lee. Some 100,000 troops surrounded lees men. Grant pulled of what is known as a siege. this blocks the enemy from getting in or out and starves them to death. the confederates surrendered.
  • Appomattox

    General Robert E. Lee surrenders his northern virginia army to general Ulysses S. Grant. Grant gave lee and his men very generous terms. he gave them horses and each man 3 day rations. they had to leave there guns and just go home.
  • Death of Robert Edward Lee

    Death of Robert Edward Lee
    died of pneumonia and buried Lexington, Virginia