Gene Splicing / Therapy and Stem Cell Implications

By TomLog
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    Gene Manipulation Theories

    Scientists start to theorize borderline gene therapies for incurable ailments.
    Boston Children's Hospital
  • Discovery of Stem Cells

    In the 1960s, Canadian scientific pioneers Drs. James Till and Ernest McCulloch definitively confirmed the existence of stem cells while investigating the effects of radiation on mouse bone marrow.
    Stem Cell Network
  • First Recombinant DNA (rDNA)

    Paul Berg and his colleagues synthesized the first rDNA at Stanford University.
    National Library of Medicine
  • First Genetically Modified Organism

    The Cohen-Boyer team from Stanford University took rDNA from two different sources and inserted it into bacteria. The bacteria accepted the rDNA, demonstrating the expansion of gene transfers.
  • First Molecular Chimeras

    After doing gene splicing from different subspecies, the Cohen-Boyer team decided to take things a step further and insert frog genes into a bacteria, proving that cross species gene transfers are possible and that genes can be accepted by the bodies of varying species.
  • First Cloned Disease

    The beta-globin gene was first cloned by scientists at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Harvard University in 1976. It was the first disease gene ever cloned.
    What is Biotechnology?
  • New Restrictions on Gene Therapy Tests on People

    A team at the University of California led by Martin Cline were able to mutate a gene that would cure a disease and inserted it into bone marrow, but ran human testing before getting all the permissions to do so, causing a public uproar on the morality of genetic editing.
    What is Biotechnology?
  • Discovery of Human Retroviruses

    Robert C. Gallo and his associates discovered the first human retrovirus. A retrovirus is a virus that uses RNA as its genomic material.
    National Human Genome Research Institute
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    Human Genome Project

    The Human Genome Project is launched and completed, mapping the whole human genome.
    National Human Genome Research Institute
  • Human Neutral Stem Cells

    Sam Weiss first identified human Neutral Stem Cells.
    Stem Cell Network
  • Edmonton Protocol

    James Shapiro developed the Edmonton protocol for pancreatic islet transplantation in order to treat type 1 diabetes.Islets from a deceased donor are fused into the liver of the recipient, aiming to restore insulin production.
    Stem Cell Network
    National Library of Medicine

    CRIPSR-Cas9 system is developed, enabling very precise Gene editing.
    What is Biotechnology?
  • Trials for Type 1 Diabetes

    Tim Kieffer and James Shapiro launched stem cell based clinical trials for Type 1 Diabetes.
    Stem Cell Network
  • Treatment for Underdeveloped Lungs

    Bernard Thebaud began a clinical trial focused on treating Underdeveloped Lungs in premature infants.
    Stem Cell Network