
Gen Xennials

  • Nintindo

    I was 5 when we got our first NES back in 89 though it was in 85 when it was created. I remember the pure excitement my bro and I had. The colors, the sounds and inter action!
  • Super NES

    Super NES
    I remember we had to wait a few years for the Super Nes, it was 93 when we got our first but it had been out for at least 3 years. Donkey Kong and Super Mario Bro still my all time favorite games!
  • Nokia First Phone

    Nokia First Phone
    I was 18 when I got my first phone, It was liberating to talk to my friends and send messages. I was so fast with the push to get your letter. and who can forget the game snake!
  • PlayStation 2

    PlayStation 2
    I was so disheartened when my memory chips were stollen and my games. For some odd reason my game console was left. That happened in early 2009. I still have my game console.
  • College, First Laptop

    College, First Laptop
    I was 24 when I went to college first time and got my first laptop. I remember how it was "smaller" than previous models but not much, and the batter life was bad. But I enjoyed doing homework at home and not at library.
  • Samsung Galaxy 2

    Samsung Galaxy 2
    I got this epic phone after a bunch of crappy phones over the years including the Blackberry, I hated yet loved. But this Galaxy was by far my favorite until my son who was a toddler at time hit it out of my hand and shattered on floor. :(
  • Samsung Galaxy 9

    Samsung Galaxy 9
    I went without good phones after my S2 was broke until I got the S9 in 2017. I still have the phone and love it. its got some damage after all these years but totes worth it.
  • PlayStation 4

    PlayStation 4
    in 2019 I got the PS4 and the God of War games after my PS3 was stolen in 2018. I have gone through one and just replaced it this past spring.