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GCU 113 History Project

  • English Settlers Come to America-

    English Settlers Come to America-
    This is when our entire nation was started.
  • Immigration Laws created in the Colonies

    Immigration Laws created in the Colonies
    "Lame, impotent, or infirm persons were prohibited from entering without providing security that the town into which they settled would not be charged with their support. "
  • The US Constitution is adopted

    The US Constitution is adopted
    This is important because within the Constitution, it gives the US congress power to establish a rule for naturalization.
  • Alien Naturalization Act enforced by US Government

    Alien Naturalization Act enforced by US Government
    This law requires two years spent in the country, and one year spent in a specific residence before applying for citizenship.
  • Congress Bans the importation of slavery

    Congress Bans the importation of slavery
    After this it was illegal to import slaves.
  • Treat of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treat of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    This treaty ended the Mexican-American war, and gave the US rights to Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada, Utah, California
  • Commisoner of Immigration appointed by President

    Commisoner of Immigration appointed by President
    This commissioner would work under the secretary of state and was the one to authorize labor contracts.
  • US Constitution 15th Amendment is passed

    US Constitution 15th Amendment is passed
    The 15th amendment granted the right to vote to all citizens no matter their "race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
  • Ellis Island opens as Immigrant Check Point

    Ellis Island opens as Immigrant Check Point
    Millions of immigrants came through the small island of Ellis Island, so it was turned into a check point to avoid illegal immigration.
  • Arizona/Mexcio Border Control is created

    Arizona/Mexcio Border Control is created
    This was the start of border control on the Arizona/Mexico Border. This was put in hopes of preventing illegal immigration.
  • Alien Registration Act

    Alien Registration Act
    This act required all immigrants to obtain a fingerprint card in the US.
  • The Bacero Program beings

    The Bacero Program beings
    The importation of Mexican labor workers to begin work as agricultural laborers. And they were given basic human rights in exchange for the work.
  • Immigration Act of 1990 increases limit on Legal Immigration

    Immigration Act of 1990 increases limit on Legal Immigration
    This act increased the limits on legal immigration, while also revising all grounds for exclusion and deportation, gave temporary protection to aliens, and also extended the Visa Waiver Program.
  • Arizona Immigration Law

    Arizona Immigration Law
    This law states that all illegal immigrants over the age of 14 who stay in the US more than 30 days must register with the government and maintain the proper documents to stay in the US
  • Donald Trump elected US President

    Donald Trump elected US President
    Trump has made it very clear he wants to deport illegal immigrants, and build a wall on the border so no more can come and this has many minorities fearing for what comes next.