Gay,Lesbian,Bisexual and transgendered right movement

  • Harvey Milk

    Harvey Milk
    Harvey Milk grew up in Woodmere, New York. In 1947 attened New York state Collage for teachers. After his graduation Milk joined the Us navy during the Korean War. Milk did not get involved in politics and Gay activisim till the age of 40, his mind was changed by the counter culture of the 60's. Milk moved from New York to the Castro District in the migration of gay men. January 8, 1971 Harvey Milk became the first openly gay person to be elected to the Public Office of California.
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    decriminalization of homosexuality and lawrence V. Texas

    Decriminalization of homosexuality began in 1961 when illnios became the firts state to enforce these laws. throughout the 1970's and 80's 14 more states would follow Illinios's path. in 2003 the supreme court declared homosexuality activity legal inthe court case lawrence V Texas.
  • Stonewall riots

    Stonewall riots
    the Stonewall riots were a series of violent demonstrations by the gay community against the police raid earlier that morning at the Stonewall inn. The demonstrations were thought to be the main reason for the creation of the gay liberation front and the Gay activist Allience.
  • Homosexuality is no longer listed as a mental illness

    Homosexuality is no longer listed as a mental illness
    After numerous outbreaks of gay right activists at APA conventions. The DSM no longer listed homosexuality as a catagory of diorder. In 1973 after a vote by the trustees on the APA, the catagory was replaced as "sexual orientation disturbance"
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    "Don't Ask Don't Tell"

    in 1993 President Bill Clinton passed a policy stateing that there would be no harassing or discriminating against closeted homsexuals/bisexuals who were inlisted in the US military. While not allowing openly gay , lesibians. or bisexuals to ebter the US military. This policy did not lose its power until 2011 under the administration of President Obama.
  • Defense of Marrige act

    Defense of Marrige act
    The Defense of Marrige Act of 1996 is a federal law the denies reconition by the federal goverment of same sex marriges. This Act authorizes states the right to restict the right to same sex marrige. at the same time states also have the right to allow same sex marriges if wanted. Allowing same sex marriges has become more popular in states over the past couple of years.