Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male is published
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Alfred Kinsey who is a biologist and sex researcher publishes Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male. During the 1940’s most psychologists and psychiatrists regarded homosexuality as a mental illness but Kinsey’s research concluded that 37% of men have enjoyed homosexual activity at least once and that homosexual behaviour is not restricted to only those who identify themselves as homosexual. -
Mattachine Society is Formed
Mattachine Society was found in 1950 by Harry Hay, making it one of American’s first gay right organisations. The organisation aims to eliminate discrimination against gays. -
American Psychiatric Society
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In the publication of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the American Psychiatric Society lists homosexuality as a sociopathic personality disturbance which gains criticism from different fields of science for their lack of empirical evidence. -
Executive Order 19450
The Executive Order 10450 was signed by President Dwight Eisenhower which banned homosexuals from working for the federal government. -
Daughters of Bilitis is Formed
Daughters of Bilitis also known as DOB is the first organisation for lesbian civil rights founded by Dal Martin. The organisation wanted to promote integration of homosexuals in society. -
One, Inc. V. Olsen
One, Inc sued Otto K. Olsen, postmaster of the City of Los Angeles for claiming that the magazine “ONE: The Homosexual Magazine” was obscene and therefore un-mailable. The first court decision sided with the postmaster. When an appeal was made to the supreme court, they reversed the first decision and allowed free press rights surrounding homosexuality. It was the first time the supreme court ruled in favour of homosexuals. -
Homosexuality Decriminalised
Illinois became the first American state to legalise homosexuality. -
First Gay and Lesbian Protest
Dr. Frank Kameny, Jack Nichols, the Mattachine Society and Daughters of Bilitis launched the first gay and lesbian protest in front of the White House. -
Sip-In at Greenwich Village
Members of the Mattchine Society began a ‘sip-in’ at Julius Bar in Greenwich Village. The New York liquor authority banned serving gays. No laws were changed from the ‘sip-in.’ -
Greenwich Village Riots
A three day riot began in a Greenwich Village at Stonewall Inn when police officers raided the bar. -
Homosexuality is Removed from the List of Mental Illnesses
The American Psychiatric Association votes to remove homosexuality from being a mental illness for the lack of evidence. -
National March on Washington
Roughly 75 000 joined in the Nation March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian rights. Lesbian, gay, bi sexual, transgender and straight people demanded for equal civil rights. -
The Democratic Rules Committee
Democratic Rules Committee states that they will not discriminate against homosexuals. They are the first political party to be in favour of homosexual rights. -
Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy
Homosexuals were not allowed to serve in the U.S army before 1993. Under the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy created in 1993, Homosexuals were allowed to serve in the army if they did not disclose their homosexuality. -
Romer V. Evans
A Supreme Court in the United States declares that Colorado’s 2nd amendment which denies gays and lesbians protection against discrimination is unconstitutional. -
Recognising Same Sex Marriage
Vermont becomes the first state in America to legalise same sex marriages.