Gay rights history timeline

  • Society For Human Rights

    German immigrant Henry Gerber founded the first known gay rights organization in Chicago. The organization later on produces Friendship and Freedom, which is the first American publication for gays. (Time)
  • First Gay-Pride Parade

    First Gay-Pride Parade
    Pride parades in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles to remember the Stonewall Riots. The Stonewall riots were considered a revolution. The Stonewall Inn was a place where gays would socialize in the city and when reports were made that these costumers were being beaten by cops, and it led to the riots. (Time)
  • Elaine Noble

    Noble becomes the first openly gay candidate elected into public office in America. She served in the Massachusetts house of representatives from 1975 to 1979. (Time U.S.)
  • Democrats support Gay rights

    Democrats support Gay rights
    Democrats announced their support for gay rights with the statement, “All groups must be protected from discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, language, age, sex or sexual orientation.” (Time U.S.)
  • Hawaii Momentarily Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage

    The Hawaii Supreme Court issues a ruling that the state could not keep same-sex couples from marrying without violating equal-protection statuses. (Time U.S.)
  • Don't ask, don't tell

    The Department of Defense adopts “Don’t ask, don’t tell,” a policy allowing gay people to serve in the military as long as they dont express their sexual orientation for risk of pain of dishonorable discharge. (Time U.S.)
  • "Marriage"

    President Clinton signs a Defense of Marriage act, which states marriage as only between one man and one woman. (Time U.S.)
  • Iowa court supports gay marriage

    Iowa court supports gay marriage
    The Iowa Supreme Court strikes down a law banning same-sex marriage, making it the third state with legal gay marriage. Massachusetts is the first state and Connecticut is second. (Timw U.S.)
  • President Obama

    President Obama is the first president in office to announce his support for gay marriage on ABC news.
  • Gay marriage legalized in D.C.

    The District of Columbia city council votes 11-2 to legalize gay marriage. (Time U.S.)