Gay Rights

By newbyj
  • Baker v. Nelson

    Two minnesota students, Richard John "Jack" Baker and James Michael McConnell, applied for a marriage license in Hennepin County District court. Court Clerk Gerald Nelson did not approve the license because the two applicants were male. McConnell and Baker sued Clerk Nelson and argued "Minnesota law on marriage made no mention of gender." The case went all the way up to the U.S. supreme court and everytime the courts ruled in favor of Nelson. This case has been used as a precedent in attempts
  • Largest mass wedding in US history

    Almost 7,000 people growded on the National Mall in DC. Throwing rice and confetti was people saw the largest mass wedding in US history. But this was no average wedding, this wedding contained two brides and two grooms. This represented the beginning of almost 2,000 same sex marriages.
  • HRC Releases first logo

    HRC Releases first logo
    (Not exact Date; Fall 1995)
    New logo for Human Rights Campaign released. Logo becomes one of the most distinct symbols in the gay rights movement. The symbol becomes identifiable with the battle for equality for gay and lesbian americans.
  • Clinton signs Defense of Marriage Act

    President Bill Clinton signs Defense of Marriage Act into order. The law defines marriage as "legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife." The definition alone affects over 1000 laws distinguishing eligibility for benefits, rights or priviledges.
  • The Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities act is signed

    The Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities act of 2003 is signed by a Governer Davis in San Francisco, California at the LGBT center. Provides gay partners with nearly the same liberities as that of a civil marriage.
  • First legal gay marriage in the United States

    First legal gay marriage in the United States takes place in Cambridge, Massachusettes. Tanya McCloskey and Marcia Kadish marry in Cambridge City hall.
  • Setback for the Gay Rights Movement

    Setback for the Gay Rights Movement
    July 6, 2006- New York court system rule against gay marriage. Court Ruling comes as an insult to gay rights activists all over New York.
  • Timeline of Gay Rights Movement in USA

  • U.S. Supreme Court causes apprehension on ruling of gay marriage case

    U.S. Supreme Court causes apprehension on ruling of gay marriage case
    United States Supreme Court took up gay marriage dispute in California. Apprehensive deliberation occurs in the gay rights movement about the finest way to recieve gay marriage.
  • HRC Releases new logo

    HRC Releases new logo
    (Not Exact Date; Sometime in March 2013) United States Supreme Court disputes two marriage equality cases and the Human rights Campaign releases a red adaptation of former equal sign logo. The HRC explains that this was chosen because red symbolizes love.