Society For Human Rights becomes earliest known Gay Rights org.
Alfred Kinsey publishes Sexual Behavior In The Human Male
This book tells the public that homosexuality is more outspread the previously believed. -
The Mattachine Society is formed
First National Gay Rights organization was formed by Harry Hay founder of the Gay Rights Movement -
The Daughters of Bilitis is founded
The first Lesbian organization is founded.
Del Martin was the founder. -
Illnois becomes first state to decriminalize homosexual acts.
Illnois becomes first state in The US to discriminalize homosexual acts between to two consenting adults int he privacy of their homes. -
The StoneWall Riots
These riots turned gays rights from a small amount of people into a widespread protest for equality. Locals at a bar in Greenwich Village New York fought back at police raid June 27th causing three days worth of riots. -
Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from the list of official mental disorder
In the 1950s research was done to prove homosexuality was a mental disorder but was later found to be insufficient and there Homosexuality was taken off the list for insufficient evidence -
Wisconsinn becomes the first state to outlaw sexual orentation discrimination
Don't Ask Don't Tell
This policy was enacted to ensure sexual orentation is not disclosed. Permitting homosexuals to be in the military but banning homosexual acts. -
Romer v. Evans, the Supreme Court strikes down Colorado' amendement 2
The amendemnt denied gays and lesbians to have protection against discrimination. -
Vermont becomes the first state to recognize same sex unions
The laws entitle these couples to have the same benefits,reponsibilities,and opportunities as spouses, but it is not looked at as marriage. -
Supreme Court Rules in Lawerence vs Texas.
The Supreme ruled that the sodomy laws in the U.S. were unconstitutional. -
Massachusetts supreme court ruled that barring gays and lesbians from marriage was unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court said "It takes away the dignity and equality of all individuals." it makes them " second class citizens" -
Same Sex Couples become legal in Massachusetts
Civil Unions become legal in Connecticut
Civil Unions become legal in New Jersey
House Of Respresentives sigj bill for equal rights in the workplace
House Of Representives sings bill that ensures equality for all LGBTs in the workplace -
California rules same sex marriage is constitutional
Connecticut rules that same sex couples have the right to marry.
Yes on 8
California voters voted yes on propostion 8 banning gay marriage. -
California, Arizona, and Florida pass bans on same sex marriage
as well Arkansas passed a bill intended to ban gay men and lesbians from adopting children. -
same sex marriage are officially performed in Connecticut
Iowa rejects law to ban same sex marriage
21 days later recorders are required to issue marriage kicenses to same sex couples. -
Vermont leg votes to override veto on ban of same sex marriage
Vermont leg voted to over ride Governor John Douglas veto on same sex marriage. It is the first state to legalize same sex marriage through legislature. -
Obame makes it possible forsame sex partners of federal employees to receive benefits
This does not cover healthcare but it is his first step in his plan to improve gay rights -
Maine Governor legalizes gay marriage
however voters voted to over turn it in the November polls and it became the 31st to ban same sex marriage. -
New Hampshire governor John Lynch signs legislation allowing same sex marriage
sixth state to allow same sex marriage. -
Congress approves bill signed in December 2009 to legalize same sex amrriage in the District Of Columbia
Don't Ask Don't Tell repealed
US voted 65 to 31 to repeal the act and President Barack Obama officially repealed it on Dec 18