Glf demo august 1971 first major gay demo in uk

Gay Liberation Movement - Sage Woodward

  • Henry Gerber

    Henry Gerber
    Henry Gerber was the founder of "Society of Human Rights", the first and oldest documented Gay Rights organization. This organization was pivotal as it allowed the first publication for homosexuals to be produced. Sadly, however, it was disbanded in 1925 due to the political pressure and a series of arrests.
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    Gay Liberation

    A political and social movement that directly affected lesbians, gays, and other members to counter societal shame. This lead for the group to advocate for Equality Rights and Right to Service. The Equality Rights consisted of the right to marry, right to life, and no discrimination; while the Right to Service clarifies that homosexuals should be served at restaurants and other businesses. The Gay Liberation Movement didn't kick off until 1960, but was apparent in earlier times.
  • Henry Hay

    Henry Hay
    Henry Hay was the founder of the "Mattachine Society", the first sustained National Gay Rights group. The Mattachine Society was created in order to "cultive the notion of gay culture"; this was mainly seen in public protests or campaigning of gay men and lesbians so they would not have to live in fear of being arrested or prosecuted due to their sexual orientation.
  • Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin

    Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin
    Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin were co-founders of "Daughters of Bilitis", the first lesbian civil and political organization in the United States. It was founded in 1955 and was conceived as a social alternative to lesbian bars (which were often raided or harassed by law enforcement). It was a key organization that caused a twist to international and social consequences of the political movement.
  • Bar Sip-Ins (Pivotal Event)

    Bar Sip-Ins (Pivotal Event)
    The New York Liquor Authority prohibits serving gay patrons which results in homosexuals to go to bars, announcing themselves as gay and being refused to service. This is turn leads the unserved to sue the bars with help of The Mattachine Society. No laws were overturned, but homosexuals were demanding to have a right of service, which was hesitantly followed through.
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    Stonewall Riots (Pivotal Event)

    Police attempted to break in at the Openly Gay Bar in the early hours of the morning, it was frequently raided to clear “sexual deviants” but this time it resulted in a three day riot against the community and police forces. It has been credited in leading the America’s Modern LGBTQ+ Right Movement.
  • National March-Lesbian/Gay Rights (Outcome)

    National March-Lesbian/Gay Rights (Outcome)
    An estimated 75,000 people of all races, gender identities, and sexualities participated in the large political march in which homosexuals demanded civil rights and a passage to protect said rights.
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    AIDS Epidemic (Pivotal Event)

    Thousands of Gay/Bisexual Man were getting AIDS out of sexual intercourse, the sudden spread caused a rapid spread of the killing STD which resulted in nearly 675,000 deaths. AIDS is still around currently and has no known cure.
  • Sodomy Laws Become Unconstitutional (Outcome)

    Sodomy Laws Become Unconstitutional (Outcome)
    A Sodomy Law defines certain sexual acts as crimes, and was used as a hate crime for LGBTQ+ members since it was deemed "morally wrong" for sexual regulations. However, Lawrence v. Texas declared Sodomy Laws in the United States unconstitutional.