Gavins civil rights timeline

  • congress of racial equality

    congress of racial equality
    Civil rights- the rights of citizens to political and social equality and freedom
    made themselves heard and got economic justice
    they made a lot of peaceful protests
  • dodgers hire jackie robinson

    dodgers hire jackie robinson
    color line is a barrier that separates whites from non whites
    Jackie robinson and the dodgers break the color line
    robinson took the field in 1947
  • Executive order 9981

    Executive order 9981
    segregation- separation of people by there race and belief
    president truman signs the order
    executive order 9981 ends armed forces segregation
  • brown vs board of education

    brown vs board of education
    thurgood marshall- associate justice of the supreme court
    school segregation is put to an end
    brown brought activists together
  • montgomery bus boycott

    montgomery bus boycott
    boycott and rosa parks- she sparked the movement because she wouldnt move out of her seat and she was arrested
    african americans didnt ride the bus for a year
    they had their own taxi companies and car pools
  • integration of central high school

    integration of central high school
    little rock nine- african americans go to a white school
    broke the color barrier in schools with the 9 african americans in white schools
    they were cursed by racist whites outside of the school
  • first lunch counter sit

    first lunch counter sit
    Jim crow laws & sit ins- law the enforced racial segregation
    showed how african americans were treated
    it influenced other peaceful protests
  • advocates for black nationalism

    advocates for black nationalism
    malcolm X & nation of islam- african american leader of the 20th century
    they tried to get segregation

    they were separated from european society
  • birmingham campaign: letter from birmingham jail

    birmingham campaign: letter from birmingham jail
    SCLC- african americans civil rights organization
    big march against racism
    MLK was arrested during this time
  • march on washington

    march on washington
    NAACP- an organization that was established in 1909 to protest against prejudice
    more than 200,000 americans gathered in DC in protest
    MLK spoke at the march
  • freedom rides

    freedom rides
    Civil disobedience & SNCC- the refusal to comply with certain laws
    ended segregation and declared independence of buses and railroads
    buses were set on fire
  • civil rights act of 1964

    civil rights act of 1964
    plessy vs ferguson- supreme court case that was favoring segregation
    the US outlaws segregation
    blacks got equal rights
  • voting rights act

    voting rights act
    disenfranchise- deprive someone of the right to vote
    blacks got the right to vote
    there were many protests on blacks not having the right to vote
  • watts riot

    watts riot
    Kerner Commission & ghettos- civil disorders that caused race riots
    there were many riots in the ghetto
    the commission later released the reports
  • Black panther party

    Black panther party
    black power- a movement in support of rights and political power for black people
    created a minority against the US government
    fought to establish revolutionary socialism
  • civil rights act of 1968

    civil rights act of 1968
    discrimination-the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things
    signing a bill that says every person will be treated equally despite color race or gender
    helped end segregation
  • swann vs charlotte-mecklenberg board of education

    swann vs charlotte-mecklenberg board of education
    desegregation-the ending of a policy of racial segregation
    upheld a law that aimed to speed up racial integration
    there were many resistances by local leaders
  • california vs bakke

    california vs bakke
    affirmative action-an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination
    his case was unconstitutional
    he yelled racial slurs at african americans