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    Fitzgerald Timeline

  • Francis Scott Fitzgerald is born

    Francis Scott Fitzgerald is born
    Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald is born in St. Paul , Minnesota.His parents named him after the composer of the lyrics to "Star Spangeld Banner"
  • Phillipine-American War Begins

    Phillipine-American War Begins
    War between the united states and Filipino revoloutionaries
  • Mexican Reveloution Begins

    Mexican Reveloution Begins
    The reveloution started with the goal of overthrowing people of the Diaz dictaitorship. The revoloution was led by Francisco Madero, Pascual Orozco, Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    After being percived as a threat to the Serbian independence , Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated while he was on his way Saravejo. Momments later Austria declares war on Seriba , setting off World war 1.
  • World War 1 Begins

    World War 1 Begins
    Auatria dellcares war on Seriba , officially commencing world war 1. More countries begin to declare war on each other just 1 month after Austria.
  • Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald joins the US Army

    Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald joins the US Army
    Fitzerald joins the United States Army as a second lieutenant.
  • Spanish Influenza

    Spanish Influenza
    The spanish influnza pandemic had over 675,000 casualties. The virus originated through a H1N1 virus and spread rapidly through overcrowded and unsanitary environments.
  • Fitzgerald meets Zelda Sayre

    Fitzgerald meets Zelda Sayre
    The pair first meet at a Montgomery country club as he was sationed in Alabama.
  • German U-Boats appear in US shore

    German U-Boats appear in US shore
    German U-Boats were able to reach American waters and immeidtaly start to sink and attack 10 vessles along the Northern Eastern Coast.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The signing of the Treat of Versailles signified Germany surrendering to allied powers.
  • Fitzgerald Publishes 1st Novel

    Fitzgerald Publishes 1st Novel
    Fitzgerald's debut novel "This Side of Paradise" is published which emabrks the journey of Fitzgerlad becoming a household name.
  • Fitzgerald and Zelda Elope

    Fitzgerald and Zelda Elope
    After being together for 2 year , Fitzgerald and Zelda get married at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City.
  • Nineteenth Amendment Ratified

    Nineteenth Amendment Ratified
    The Nineteenth Amendment was officially put into place giving women the right to vote.
  • Emergency Qouta act

    Emergency Qouta act
    The emrgency qouta act was passed into law which restircted the number of immigrants coming to America. The act was infamoulsy known for excluding Asians.
  • Treaty of Berlin

    Treaty of Berlin
    Peace treaty signed by the United States and Germany regarding to the aftermath of World war 1
  • Fitzgerald and Zelda welcome their first child

    Fitzgerald and Zelda welcome their first child
    The married couple welcome their first and only child Frances Scott Fitzgerald.
  • Fitzgerald publishes second novel

    Fitzgerald publishes second novel
    Fitzgerald publishes his secpnd novel titled "The beautiful and the Damned"
  • Fitzgerald publishes "The Great Gatsby"

    Fitzgerald publishes "The Great Gatsby"
    Fitzgerald wrote "The Greay Gatsby" in France with a goal to capture the American dream and potray it in a qay that would trancend different aspects of life.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The catastrophic economic downturn after the stock market crashed. Over 24% of the nations workforce were unemployed and in massive debt.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    Sevre dust storms that left peoples livestock and crop damaged. Many Americans were froced to find new jobs since their main source of income was the agriculture.
  • Fitzgerald Publishes his 4th Novel

    Fitzgerald Publishes his 4th Novel
    Fitzgerald publishes his 4th novel titled "Tender is the Night"
  • Franklin Roosevelt Elected President

    Franklin Roosevelt Elected President
    Franklin D Roosevelt won the presidential election and become 32nd president of th United States. Roosevelt was also the first democrat in 80 years to win.
  • Fitzgerald's Detah

    Fitzgerald's Detah
    Fitzgerald sufferes from a fatal heart attack and passes away shortly after.
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Pearl Harbor Attack
    Japan succeeds in a suprise military strike upon the United States at United States' Pacific Fleet naval base.
  • Hiroshima Bombing

    Hiroshima Bombing
    The United States drops two bombs in the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after Japans refusal to surrender.