Gareth C.-American Revolution

By jelamin
  • George Washington Was Born

    Was born and later became The general in the army and the 1st President. he was the leader/general in the crossing of the Delaware.
  • Jhon Adams

    Jhon Adams was born. A great american. He was a son of liberty in the Coliines.
  • French-Indian war

    French-Indian war
    The French and Natives go to waar that lasts for four years and ends in 48. This war was all about territory. The French and Spanish came with deasess and that caused it to.
  • Rattlesnake

    The Rattlesnake woodcut was a symbol made by Ben Franklin used to gain allies. All people who didn't become allies were hanged or guillotined or for other words, Exacuted.
  • Phillis Weatly

    In the1760s Phillis Wheatly becomes fameous for writing. Became things people read to lighten there spirit.
  • Sugar act

    The British tax the colinists for things like sugar, molasies ect.
    Colinests react by Boycotting there goods. The colonist like always were very angered by this.
  • Boston Massacre

    Brutal Killing of 5 men.1st to die was a African-American man named Krispus Attucks. This officaly started the Revolutionary War.
  • Crispus Attucks Murdered

    Crispus Attucks Murdered
    He was killed in the Boston Massacre.He was the first African-American to die in the Revolutionary War and Boston Massacre.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

  • Boston Teaparty

    The colinists sabotauge the british's imported tea. The British react painfuly by blocking all the ports and, not letting collinest buy tea fromanyone but themselves.
  • Thomas Paine

    Thomas Paine travels to Philedalphia, and becomes an leading patriot.
  • Meeting of the Colines

    All of the Colinies met exept Virginia on October 24,1774.
  • Paul Revere

    Paul Revere
    Paul Revere warns colinists about the British
  • T.J is A Govenor

    T.J is A Govenor
    Thomas Jefferson becomes Govener of virginia
  • James Monroe

    Fights for the Revolutionary war, Later beacomes President
  • 2nd continetal congreas

    The second continental Congress was made. Used to trie to rule themselves and make there own rules.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp act is published.
  • Betsy Ross

    Betsy Ross
    Betsy Ross in myth and ledgend of America, Makes the first American flag with the 13 colines as stars in a circle.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Last link was cut between King George III and The colinies. 55 People from the Second Contineital Congress.Thomas Jeferson wrote it.
  • Debrah Sampson

    She disguises herself as a man and becomes The war.
  • The battle of Yorktown

    'Twas the final big military episode in the American Revolutionary War.
  • Bald Eagle

    Bald Eagle
    The Bald Eagle was declared the National Bird for America
  • Molly Pitcher

    Molly Pitcher's husband is wounded and on impulse she starts loading the canon.
  • Hancock dies

    Jhon Hancock dies serving his 9th term as a Govenor.
  • George dies

    George dies
    George Washing ton dies in his estate and in his will realeses his slaves.
  • Aaron Burr

    Aaron Burr
    Becomes Vice President.