Garcia Family Life Events

  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina was the largest and 3rd strongest hurricane ever recorded to make landfall in the US.
  • Born

    I was born on January 8th, 2005 in Grand Rapids, Michigan at Saint Mary's hospital.
  • Oldest brother got accepted to college

    Oldest brother got accepted to college
    My brother Francisco got accepted to grand valley to be a pharmacist.
  • My first nephew was born

    My first nephew was born
    My first nephew Isaac was born on January 26, 2007. We're only 2 years apart so we technically grew up together.
  • Brother passed away

    Brother passed away
    One of my older brothers, Eric, passed away due to cancer at the age of 18.
  • Moved to Tennessee

    Moved to Tennessee
    After my brother passed away our home made us sad without my brother Eric so we decided to move to Tennessee where some of my other family lived.
  • Brother got married

    Brother got married
    My oldest brother, Francisco, got married to Monica, his fiance.
  • Dad opened up his own bakery

    Dad opened up his own bakery
    My dad started his own bakery in a small town in Tennessee called Loudon. The bakery was named Panaderia Garcia meaning Garcia Bakery in English.
  • First niece was born

    First niece was born
    On May 27, 2012, my first niece Yarelli was born at Spectrum Health Hospital.
  • Started Track and Field

    Started Track and Field
    When I was in 4th grade I ran my first race and that's when my passion for running started.
  • Grandma passed away

    Grandma passed away
    In the year of 2014 my grandma Francesa died. We went to her funeral down in Mexico.
  • Moved back to Michigan

    Moved back to Michigan
    In 2015 we moved to Michigan because we figured there would be more opportunities here such as more college selections for my brother and I.
  • Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer

    Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer
    In 2016 my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, this was shocking and terrifying for my family.
  • Did my first communion

    Did my first communion
    Did my first communion to grow in my faith as a Catholic.
  • 8th Grade Graduation

    8th Grade Graduation
    I graduated 8th grade from my private catholic school where I got scholarships to Catholic Central for my freshman year.
  • Started drivers training

    Started drivers training
    My dad taught me how to drive and so I started driver's training and got my permit.
  • Covid

    Nationwide pandemic due to very contagious illness. Due to the pandemic, we were mandated to wear masks and do online school.
  • Switched high schools

    Switched high schools
    I moved to Byron Center so I left Catholic Central and switched to Byron Center High School where I started my sophomore year and up until now.
  • Got my first job

    Got my first job
    Instead of just babysitting as a job I got my first official job at Menards.
  • Went to Spain and Italy

    Went to Spain and Italy
    In 2022 I went on a school trip to Spain and Italy where I spent sixteen days traveling across those countries and had a good fun learning experience.
  • Roe V Wade overturned

    Roe V Wade overturned
    The supreme court determined that women do not have the constitutional right to terminate their pregnancies.