Gaming History

  • Birth

  • Star Wars Battlefront

    Star Wars Battlefront
    I started playing the original Battlefront with my brother when I was really young and I was so bad that I couldn't kill any enemies so I would resort to killing my teammates which heavily agitated my brother! Pandemic, 2004, Battlefront cover art, viewed 3 Mar 2020
  • Crash Bandicoot 2

    Crash Bandicoot 2
    I used to play Crash Bandicoot at my nan's house during the holidays because it was one of the only games I had there. It was an old PS1 game but I played it using backwards compatibility on the PS2 Naughty Dog, 1997, Crash Bandicoot cover art, viewed 3 mar 2020
  • Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion

    Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
    I started playing Oblivion after i started to fully understand game progression and fell in love with the freedom that it offered me. Even though the graphics are dated, Oblivion remains one of my favourite games of all time. Bethesda, 2006, Oblivion Cover Art, viewed 3 Mar 2020
  • Elder Scrolls V Skyrim

    Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
    Skyrim provided me with a similar experience to Oblivion but with better graphics. I did prefer the quests in Oblivion but found that the world that Bethesda created for Skyrim was so immersive that i became hooked on the game for a log time! Bethesda, 2011, Skyrim cover art, viewed 3 Mar 2020
  • Minecraft

    Minecraft was huge for me because it was the first game that provided me with an outlet for my creativity. I was able to play solo in either survival or creative, or online in a server with my friends. I played this game for years and even took it back up after a break and still play it today! Mojang, 2011, Minecraft cover art, viewed 3 Mar 2020
  • Fallout 4

    Fallout 4
    I bought Fallout 4 the day it came out and didn't stop playing for months. I loved the how the RPG format had been transformed to become more modern and the excellent graphics mixed with a compelling and interesting story really drew me into the world. Bethesda, 2015, Fallout 4 cover art, viewed 3 Mar 2020
  • GTA V

    GTA V
    I started playing GTA a long time after it came out but it is important to me because of the multiplayer feature. I have played this game on and off since 2017 because it allows me to play with my friends in a number of ways. Sometimes its just relaxed driving around with my mates and others it's really intense heists or missions, either way it's one of the best multiplayer games I've ever played. Rockstar Games, 2013, GTA 5 cover art, viewed 3 Mar 2020
  • Call of Duty Modern Warfare

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare
    The new COD is easily one of my favourites and i have sank countless hours into multiplayer with my mates. we all compete to have the best stats and it really enhances the gaming experience. the campaign is also quite enjoyable as I have replayed it a few times on different difficulties. Overall I believe this COD has revived the series and set up future installments well Infinity Ward, 2019, Modern Warfare cover art, viewed 3 Mar 2020