Hurricane Forms
The hurricane formed south of florida keys and was coming for the United States. Nobody knew about the storm becuase it was highly unlikely for a storm to hit a city that wasnt near a large body of water. Everyone continued on with thier daily rountines. -
Hurricane is Spotted
The hurricane is spotted coming towards the United States. Meteorologist on the east coast can start informing people about the upcoming weather. The people will probably think it is just a bad thunderstorm and won't worry about it. They will soon find out it is more than just a "bad thunderstorm". No one actually thinks of a hurricane until they see the bad weather signs of them. -
Hurricane heads towards Galveston
The hurricane unexpectedly comes out of Florida Keys into Galveston. People on the east coast were surprised because they were expecting a hurricane, not Texas. So therefore, people in Texas were not informed until litarally the last minute. Thousands of people could've been saved if were not for Issac. Issac and his brothers were the only ones that knew about the hurricane ahead of time. -
Hurricane hits Galveston
The hurricane hits the coast of Galveston. Many people lost their lives and family memebers.There was millions of damage done to businesses and homes. Issac thought he wasa know-it-all it deciced not to tell the city about the storm heading thier way. On the othe rhand, his brother was wantng to tell the city but Issac said no. Thousands of lives could've been saved, but he just had to make a poor choice. -
States start to donate momey to help clean up the huge mess made in Galveston,TX. After donations the money totaled over 1.3 million dollars,which was only a fraction of what repairs would cost. The government could pay to rebuild the city. This was a very long process that helped the city tremendously.If it were not for the donations then the government would probably not had the idea of building the seawall because they might of not had enough money to build one. -
Seawall is Planned
The Galveston seawall was planned so any hurricanes wouldn't effect Galveston as bad as the one did in 1900. It was 6 miles long and it is used to elevate the city. If another hurricane were to hit again then the water would just turn back over like a wave into the ocean. This stopped the Galveston city from getting destroyed all over again. -
Construction of Seawall begins
The government gives the "OK" to start consruting on the seawall. It would have a afffect on everyone's lives because it can save houses and other valuable belongings. It was 6 miles long so it can stop any hurricane from destroying Galveston. -
First Hurricane after construction of seawall
After the seawall was constructed, there were multiple hurricanes and it helped save many homes and houses. If it werent for the seawall the Galveston city would've had to re-live the 1900's hurricane all over again. The seawall saved over 15,000 people and 3,200 homes. That many people could've been saved in the hurricane of the 1900's. This hurricane will always be apart of Galveston history because it was what started the whole idea of the 6 mile long seawall.