Galileo Timeline

  • Feb 15, 1564


  • Hydrostatic Balance

    Galileo had spent some time inventing this. It weighs objects in water, and determines the densities of the objects.
  • Inventing the Thermometer

    Galileo takes the credit for inventing the air thermometer, because another version of the thermometer was already invented.
  • Galileo's Telescope

    He did not invent the telescope, but did make it famous. His version of the telescope could magnify objects twenty times, opposed to the models that he based his work off of, the only magnified three times. He used his telescope to make discoveries about outer space.
  • Noticing Venus's Phases

    This finding had was of great importance actually, because it helped prove that the sun is the center of the universe. That's because he could see how Venus has phases, just like the moon has, and that is revolves around the sun.
  • Examining the Moon

    He noticed that the moon had craters and mountains. He made sketches of what he saw through his telescope.
  • Discovering Jupiter's 4 Largest Moons

    Galileo had discovered Jupiter's four largest moons by looking through his telescope. Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, were the four moons that he discovered.
  • Sunspots

    By looking through his telescope, Galileo saw that sunspots had drifted from one part of the sun to another. By looking at the sun so often, he had actually developed blindness later on.
  • Death