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  • 100 BCE


    Paper is invented in china and now all records can be kept
  • 1455

    Printing Press

    Gutenberg creates the printing pess and literacy spreads through Europe
  • Photography

    actual visuals of events can now be stored of people and history
  • Morse Code

    Samuel Morse invents Morse code the communication breaks the distance barrier at the time
  • Telegraph

    now can send a message fastest at its time breaking the barrier. before this the average speed a message could travel was 35 mph.
  • Telophone

    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telophone. conversations break the distance barrier
  • Film

    The Lumiere brothers present the 1st publicly shown film, some people are frightend
  • Radio

    The 1st radio broadcast in the US. the birth of the modern mass media
  • Films

    This was the golden age of film, Hollywood transforms actors into national and international celebrities
  • Talkie Movies

    "The Jazz Singer" is the first "Talkie." Silent stars are now a memory.
  • Televison

    T.V. enters the home, commercials imvade
  • Internet

    Global networks revolutionize how people access info.