Abraham lincoln november 1863

Gabe Lubrano Civil War Timeline

  • Period: to

    Civil War Timeline

    Civil War Timeline
  • LSU is Established

    LSU is Established
    This college is created by future Union General William Tecumseh Sherman, in Pineville.
  • Jefferson Davis Wants Secession

    Jefferson Davis Wants Secession
    Davis, a politician and Senator, was the first big political figure to come out publicly in favor of secession.
  • Lincoln Speaks

    Lincoln Speaks
    Abraham Lincoln gained fame after being photographed by Mathew Brady, and then started speaking at the Cooper Institute in New York.
  • Who is the nominee?

    Who is the nominee?
    The Democratic National Convention, in Charleston, South Carolina, could not agree, and choose a nominee for their party.
  • Republican Convention is Held

    Republican Convention is Held
    The convention takes place in Chicago, Illinois, where Lincoln wins the nomination on a third ballot vote.
  • The South is Warned

    The South is Warned
    Governor William Henry Gist informs Southern states that South Carolina is considering secession.
  • Lincoln Elected as President

    Lincoln Elected as President
    Abraham was elected as the 16th president of the United States with a commanding victory in the electoral college, and popular vote in a four man presidential race. He was the first Republican elected to be against slavery.
  • South Carolina Wants to Secede

    South Carolina Wants to Secede
    South Carolina calls for on December 17, to meet and see if the state should secede from the Union.
  • Georgia Wants to Secede and Unify

    Georgia Wants to Secede and Unify
    On this date, Georgia called for a convention of Southern states to discuss forming an independent nation.
  • South Carolina Leaves the Union

    South Carolina Leaves the Union
    South Carolina is the first state to make a move, and leaves the Union. This action inspired other states to secede from the country.
  • Mississippi Seceds

    Mississippi Seceds
    Mississippi became the second state to secede from the Union on this date. After this, day after day more states followed Mississippi´s action.
  • Another President in America

    Another President in America
    The states who seceded from the Union come together to form the Confederate States of America. Jefferson Davis, the politician from Kentucky, is made the president.
  • Abraham Lincoln Becomes President

    Abraham Lincoln Becomes President
    Lincoln becomes the 16th president of the United States. He represented the Republican party.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Southern Troops in South Carolina fire and take over this Union fort. This action, formally begins the civil war.
  • Lee Sides with the South

    Lee Sides with the South
    General Robert E. Lee does not command the Union army despite president Lincoln´s request. Lee sides with the South even though he does not support slavery, but because he is from Virginia, promoting sectionalism.
  • 500,000 More Troops

    500,000 More Troops
    President Lincoln asks congress for 500,000 more troops as he realizes the seriousness of the war. He addresses this issue on the Fourth of July in his speech to congress.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    This battle fought in Manassas, Virginia, was the first real major battle of the American Civil War. The Confederate States emerged as the victor in this battle, ensuring the Union that this would be a long war.
  • Fort Hatteras Capture

    Fort Hatteras Capture
    The Union captured this fort in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. With this capturing, the Union navy starts its quest to close all Southern ports.
  • McClellan Is Put in Charge

    McClellan Is Put in Charge
    After Winfield Scott resigns, Abraham Lincoln appoints George McClellan as the general in chief of the whole Union. McClellan was a West Point graduate, and was indecisive and thought too much in battle.
  • Battle of Port Royal

    Battle of Port Royal
    This battle in South Carolina was won by the Union's navy against the land fortifications of the Confederacy. This victory was important for the North, as it gave them control of the islands near South Carolina.
  • Grant Earns His Nickname

    Grant Earns His Nickname
    With this Union Victory, General Ulysses S. Grant captures Fort Henry in Tennessee. This victory gives him the nickname "Unconditional Surrender" Grant.
  • Willie Lincoln Dies

    Willie Lincoln Dies
    President Lincoln´s son Willie, dies of typhoid from a fever in the White House. This deeply saddened the president, and his son was only 11 years old.
  • Confederate Ironclad ¨Merrimack¨

    Confederate Ironclad ¨Merrimack¨
    This Confederate ship easily sinks two Union wooden ships. It then fights to a draw against a Union Ironclad, and forever makes wooden ships obsolete.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    One of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, this battle took 13,000 Union soldiers killed, and 10,000 Confederate soldiers killed. The result of this bloody battle was Union victory.
  • Lincoln Ends Slavery in D.C.

    Lincoln Ends Slavery in D.C.
    On this day, president Lincoln signed a bill that made slavery illegal in the Nations Capital.
  • Seven Days Battles

    Seven Days Battles
    In this battle, the Union led by general McClellan attempted to capture Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the Confederacy. The Union failed, and Confederates emerged as the victors.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    This battle took place in Maryland, and was the bloodiest day of the war, with 23,000 casualties in one day. There was no clear victor of this battle, but it was a strategic victory for the Union.
  • Habeas Corpus

    Habeas Corpus
    President Lincoln suspends the right of Habeas Corpus to those who resist the draft, or are disloyal and help the South.
  • South Passes Law with Slaves

    South Passes Law with Slaves
    The Confederate States pass a law that exempts people from service. You could be exempt from service if you owned 20 or more slaves.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    This battle in Virginia, took 17,900 casualties. General Robert E. Lee led the Confederates to victory.
  • Lincoln Signs the Emancipation Proclamation

    Lincoln Signs the Emancipation Proclamation
    On this day, president Lincoln signed a bill that made slaves free in the Confederate States. This angered the southern slave owners greatly, who did not follow the new law.
  • Conscription Act

    Conscription Act
    On this day, this act passed by Congress called for the enlistment of all males into the military between ages 20-45. These men had to be in good health, and served a 3 year term.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    This battle took place in Virginia, and had many casualties. There were 30,051 casualties, leading to a Confederate victory.
  • Critic Sent to South

    Critic Sent to South
    A congressmen from Ohio, Clement Vallandigham, was exiled to the South. Clement was an outspoken critic of Lincoln.
  • West Virginia is Formed

    West Virginia is Formed
    With the differences in political ideologies evident in Virginia, there was division in the state on the issue of slavery. The east side was pro slavery, while the west side was against it. On this date the west side became West Virginia and the 35th state of the Union.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    This was a major battle in the American Civil War, in the state of Philadelphia. This battle had the highest number of casualties in the war, and is acknowledged as the turning point.
  • Draft Riots

    Draft Riots
    In New York City, 50,000 people who are mostly Irish start riots all across the city. These people felt being drafted was the blacks fault, and attacked them.
  • Davis Offers Amnesty

    Davis Offers Amnesty
    On this day, Confederate president Jefferson Davis offered amnesty to any deserter who fled to the South.
  • Battle of Chickamauga Creek

    Battle of Chickamauga Creek
    This battle was very high in Casualties with 34,444. The battle in Georgia, has the Confederates fighting off the Unions attack and emerging as victorious.
  • The Gettysburg Address

    The Gettysburg Address
    On this day, President Lincoln gave this speech which is considered to be one of the greatest speeches in American history. This speech was dedicated to all the fallen soldiers of the battle, and war.
  • Grant Becomes General in Chief

    Grant Becomes General in Chief
    Ulysses S. Grant is given the title as General in Chief of the Union army. This position is taken from McClellan as he was too indecisive, while Grant was leading the Union to many victories.
  • Radical Republicans

    Radical Republicans
    On this date, this group of Republicans met in Cleveland, Ohio, to nominate a new candidate for presidency. These Republicans wanted a change, and nominated general John Charles Fremont.
  • Cold Harbor

    Cold Harbor
    This battle took place in Mechanicsville, Virginia. The Confederates won the battle, and there were 13,500 casualties.
  • Lincoln Wins Nomination Again

    Lincoln Wins Nomination Again
    On this day, Abraham Lincoln was nominated again as the president of the Union. His vice president, was Andrew Johnson.
  • Battle of Fort Stevens

    Battle of Fort Stevens
    This battle of the war had the Confederates trying to take the countries´s capital. The Union army at Fort Stevens held them off, resulting in a Union victory.
  • Battle for Atlanta

    Battle for Atlanta
    The Union forces led by William T. Sherman invaded Atlanta to gain more power in the South. 20,000 casualties later, Sherman led his troops to victory.
  • McClellan For President

    McClellan For President
    General McClellan is nominated by the Democratic party to be president. He was the former general of Abraham Lincoln, who he would go against in the election.
  • Lincoln is Reelected

    Lincoln is Reelected
    Abraham Lincoln gets elected again for a second term. Lincoln won by gaining 55 percent of the popular vote over George McClellan, his old general.
  • Battle of Cedar Creek

    Battle of Cedar Creek
    This battle took place in the Shenandoah valley, with 8,665 casualties and a Union victory.
  • Sherman Captures Savannah

    Sherman Captures Savannah
    General Sherman led a march in Georgia where his troops captured Savannah, and took over a lot of Southern land.
  • Peace Attempts

    Peace Attempts
    On this day, president Lincoln met with the Confederate vice president Alexander Stephens to negotiate peace. They met at Hampton Roads in Virginia, but the meeting was not successful.
  • 13th Amendment Approved

    13th Amendment Approved
    On this day, the 13th Amendment freeing slaves was approved by Congress. This was then sent to the states for ratification.
  • Lincoln is Inaugurated

    Lincoln is Inaugurated
    President Lincoln is inaugurated at the White House for winning the election again, and in his speech calls for peace.
  • Davis Flees the South

    Davis Flees the South
    As Abraham Lincoln arrives at Richmond, Virginia, Jefferson Davis flees in hopes to escape as he realizes the war can not be won by the South.
  • Lee Surrenders

    Lee Surrenders
    General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at the Appomattox court house in Virginia. This indicates Southern defeat.
  • Lincoln's Assassination

    Lincoln's Assassination
    On this day, President Lincoln was assassinated by the actor John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln was attending the play "Our American Cousin" at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C.
  • Booth Dead

    Booth Dead
    John Wilkes Booth was shot and killed on this day in a tobacco barn in Virginia.
  • Confederates Surrender

    Confederates Surrender
    Throughout this month, all Confederate forces surrender. The war is over, and the nation is united again. The 620,000 Americans who died in the war will always be remembered.
  • Lincoln is Buried

    Lincoln is Buried
    Abraham Lincoln is put to rest in Oak Ridge Cemetery, near Springfield Illinois. The nation mourns the death of one of their most beloved presidents.
  • Thirteenth Amendment

    Thirteenth Amendment
    The Thirteenth Amendment is finally ratified by the states. Now, slaves are free, and the conflict of the war is over.
  • Texas Repeals

    Texas Repeals
    Texas repeals the actions of the secessionist convention.
  • Johnson Vetos

    Johnson Vetos
    President Johnson vetos the Civil Rights Act of 1866 which states all people born in the United States are citizens. Johnson argued that this was unconstitutional.
  • There is Peace

    There is Peace
    The United States declares there is peace between all states that seceded from the Union. The nation is whole again.
  • Ford's Theater Bought

    Ford's Theater Bought
    Congress gives 100,000 to buy Ford's Theater, and turns it into a museum for the war.
  • Johnson is Overwritten

    Johnson is Overwritten
    Congress overrides Johnson's veto on the Civil Rights Act. Now, anyone who is born in the United States is a citizen.
  • 14th Amendment Approves the 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment Approves the 14th Amendment
    Congress approves of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, that all people born in the United States are citizens.
  • Connecticut Approves

    Connecticut Approves
    On this day, Connecticut became the first state to approve of the 14th Amendment.
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    The United States secret service starts to investigate into this hate group which has become popular ever since the 13th amendment was passed.
  • Texas Rejects the 14th Amendment

    Texas Rejects the 14th Amendment
    On this date, Texas rejected the 14th Amendment. All other states before this approved of it.
  • South Carolina Rejects the 14th Amendment

    South Carolina Rejects the 14th Amendment
    On this day, the 6 year anniversary of secession, South Carolina rejects the idea of the 14th amendment.
  • Ohio Ratifies the 14th

    Ohio Ratifies the 14th
    On this day, Ohio ratified the 14th Amendment
  • African American Vote

    African American Vote
    A bill is passed in Washington D.C. that gives African Americans the right to vote.
  • Virginia Rejects

    Virginia Rejects
    Virginia rejects the 14th Amendment.
  • Kansas Accepts

    Kansas Accepts
    Kansas ratifies the 14th Amendment.
  • Louisiana Says No

    Louisiana Says No
    Louisiana rejects the 14th Amendment.
  • Nebraska

    This land becomes a state on this day.
  • Tenure of Office Act Passed

    Tenure of Office Act Passed
    Congress passes this act that prevents the president from removing people who had just been appointed by the consent of Congress.
  • Alaska is Bought

    Alaska is Bought
    William P. Seward signs a treaty with Russia buying Alaska for 2 cents per acre.
  • No Entry

    No Entry
    States that did not ratify the 14th Amendment, were not permitted back into the Union. These states included Virginia, Mississippi and Texas.
  • Alaska

    Alaska is given to the U.S. by Russia.