Future Predictions

  • Project start ( S. C. )

    Project start ( S. C. )
    This day I am going to start the S. C. (Synthesis Credit) with my classmates and my friends. The S. C. over trade to the Medieval Age. And this day explains to us all the things of the project.
  • Exit to the water park (Fantasy Island)

    Exit to the water park (Fantasy Island)
    This day I am going to go with my friends and my classmates to the aquatic park: Fantasy Island. And I hope to have more fun with my friends.
  • Artificial Rain

    Artificial Rain
    The Countries will invent artificial rain, because the droughts will finally be the Mediterranean sea.
  • The WW3 Begins

    The WW3 Begins
    Because Russia wants to revive the URSS and China wants to conquer more lands to be the greatest empire, and the European Union and the OTAN will prevent it.
  • The WWAAI (World War Against Artificial Intelligence)

    The WWAAI (World War Against Artificial Intelligence)
    The AI wants to have more power in the world. The humans will begin a war against the AI and the robots.
  • E.E.U.U. Vs. China

    E.E.U.U. Vs. China
    China will beat the economy and the power of E.E.U.U., because every time it will win the economy and power to get over to E.E.U.U.
  • The EU will transform into a new Country

    The EU will transform into a new Country
    The countries of the EU agree to transform the countries that form part of the EU into a new country.
  • The WW4 begins

    The WW4 begins
    Because the country of Israel will want to have more lands and China and Russia will want to conquer more lands, The country of EU with the help of the E.E.U.U and the Arabian countries will want to stop the countries of Israel, Russia and China.
  • The humans explore the Solar System

    The humans explore the Solar System
    After waiting more time, wait until they will finally have more wars and more conflicts. The humans can now explore the Solar System, and discover if there is life in space.
  • The companies of video games join Forces

    The companies of video games join Forces
    After more time, Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo join forces to create a new company of video games since they don’t have rivalry. These companies will create a new console that is the best in the world.
  • The ecology planet

    The ecology planet
    The people and the companies who will make the earth no longer will use never material to pollute the earth and all materials are very good for the earth.
  • Quart Reich the successor of the Tercer Reich

    Quart Reich the successor of the Tercer Reich
    The fascist will conquer the government and after this day Germany itself transforms into the Quart Reich. The people of Germany itself go subdue to follow the Quart Reich.
  • The E. W. (Europe War) will start

    The E. W. (Europe War) will start
    After Germany itself transforms into the Quart Reich, it wants to conquer all Europe. The EU joined with the help of Russia and other countries: E.E.U.U., Great Britain and others. Will try to stop the Quart Reich, but the Quart Reich have allied: Israel, Latin America and others. Who wins?
  • The food now it’s printed

    The food now it’s printed
    After more time the food now it's printed because like this the food that eating will spend more money and more resources. The food print it’s better than the natural food.
  • The cars and other vehicles can now fly

    The cars and other vehicles can now fly
    After more time the vehicles can now fly and this support itself won’t contamine so much as before. This support it’s very good and the companies are in agreement.