Future plans

  • Granada

    This summer I'm going to Granada with my best friend and her family.
  • High School

    High School
    In 2026 I’m going to finish high school.
  • Study

    In 2027 I will study psychology.
  • Madrid

    In 2030 I will be living alone in Madrid.
  • Psychological Consultation

    Psychological Consultation
    In 2036 I will be working in a psychological consultation.
  • Italy

    In 2040 I will go to Italy on holiday.
  • Create an invention

    Create an invention
    In 2053 I will create an invention and I will be famous.
  • Houses with wheels

    Houses with wheels
    In 2067 I will be living in houses with wheels, to go alone.
  • Retire

    In 2089 I will retire from my work.
  • Flying cars

    Flying cars
    In 2100 there will be flying cars