• Virus

    There will be a new deadly virus that will kill many people.
  • Agbar Tower

    Agbar Tower
    The Agbar Tower in Barcellona will falls.
  • Meteorite

    A meteorite will fall in China that will kill 50% of the population.
  • Zombie pandemic

    Zombie pandemic
    There will be a zombie pandemic in Spain.
  • Shopps

    Nike and Adidas stores will close.
  • Homeschooling.

    We will start homeschooling.
  • Cars electrics

    Cars electrics
    All cars will be electric and there will be no gas stations.
  • Brand of cars

    Brand of cars
    A new car brand will come out that will surpass them all.
  • Hurricanes / Storms.

    Hurricanes / Storms.
    There will be hurricanes and big storms.
  • The world

    The world
    The earth ends