Future plans

  • Future events

  • Women's football will died out

    Women's football will died out
    I will that it will become extinct because they won't produce enough money.
  • Food will be cheaper

    Food will be cheaper
    food will be cheaper because it will be more readily available.
  • iphone 20 will be released

    iphone 20 will be released
    the iphone 20 will be released because technology will advance a lot.
  • I going to play the World Cup final in Spain.

    I going to play the World Cup final in Spain.
    I going to play the final in spain because i will reach the final and it will be played in spain because we will have the best pitch.
  • I goig to play for albacete

    I goig to play for albacete
    I going to play for albacete because I will work hard to get it.
  • human robots

    human robots
    I will that there will be human robots because technology is advancing so much.
  • self-driving cars

    self-driving cars
    there will be self-driving cars because tests are already underway and there are cars that park themselves.
  • there will be no tobacco

    there will be no tobacco
    tobacco will not exist because it will be banned because it is bad.
  • Cars will run out of petrol

    Cars will run out of petrol
    I will be petrol-free because they will find another system that works without petrol and is cheaper.
  • I going to USA

    I going to USA
    I going to USA because I'm going to study English.