From womb to tomb timeline

By lauvmo6
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    Trust vs Mistrust - Erikson

    In this stage, I was new to life, and I did not know what to expect of it. According to the 1st stage of Erikson's theory, infancy, infants look up to their parents - or primary caregiver - for consistency, stability, and protection. I looked up to my parents and learned that I could trust them without any fear.
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    Sensorimotor stage - Piaget

    At this stage, I explored life with my senses. I liked touching new objects and textures and I learned to explore my senses.
  • Birth

    I was born on April 6, 2000 in San Diego, CA to Mexican parents (Laura and Javier)
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    Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt - Erikson

    At this stage, Erikson's 2nd stage, toddlerhood, I was learning to be more independent. I learned to walk and I learned to distinguish between likes and dislikes. Also, tried doing basic activities without the help of my parents, such as eating or getting dressed. In this stage, shame and doubt may be experienced when the child is not given enough space and time to explore and try to do things - such as eating - by themselves.
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    Preoperational stage - Piaget

    In this stage, I learned to say my first words "mama," "papa," among others. Even though I lacked logical reasoning, I was able to use certain words from time to time. By the time I was 6, I used words to communicate feelings, wants, and needs.
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    Initiative vs Guilt - Erikson

    At Erikson's 3rd stage, preschooler, I learned to interact with many more children my age by going to preschool. I learned to play with many different toys with which I could explore my skills and abilities. I was able to have the initiative to invite my friends to play with my toys, and I learned to create new things and to feel more comfortable with being a "leader."
  • Punishment orientation (Preconventional level) - Kohlberg

    In this stage, right and wrong is determined by what is punished. My parents didn't let me watch TV if I did not eat my veggies. Then, I learned that I had to eat my greens if I wanted to watch TV afterwards.
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    Competence vs Inferiority - Erikson

    At this stage of my life, while in elementary school, I began to learn more specific skills, such as reading, writing, adding, and subtracting. I felt comfortable while learning new things within a group of students and I started to develop a sense of pride when I was able to do something correctly by myself. In this stage, many children look for approval from their classmates and teachers, and friends start to play a big role in the child's life and development.
  • Good girl orientation (Conventional level) - Kohlberg

    In this stage, right and wrong is determined by others' approval or disapproval. People told me it was right to say thank you to the bos driver every time I got dropped off, so I started doing it every time I hopped off the school bus.
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    Concrete Operational stage - Piaget

    I started to develop more knowledge and I used thinking in order to understand subjects of concepts. I started to do things by myself ore often and I learned more advanced mathematics.
  • Naive reward orientation (Preconventional level) - Kohlberg

    At this stage, right and wrong is determined by what is rewarded. Every time I made my bed in the morning, I got a piece of candy after having lunch. Then, I learned that making my bed would get me candy as a reward.
  • Social contract orientation (Post-conventional level) - Kohlberg

    Right and wrong is determined by society's rules which are viewed as fallible rather than absolute.
  • Individual principles and conscience orientation (Post-conventional level) - Kohlberg

    Right and wrong is determined by abstract ethical principles that emphasize equity and justice. I learned that we are all equal and that discrimination is not okay in any of its forms.
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    Indentity vs Role Confusion - Erikson

    During this stage of life, adolescence, and Erikson's 5th stage, I am learning to develop my own personal identity. I am exploring goals, values, and beliefs in order to discover who I am. I am learning skills that I will probably use during the rest of my life and I am in the process of deciding what I want to do when 'I grow up.' I am making future plans and choosing where I want to continue with my higher education.
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    Formal Operational stage - Piaget

    I started to develop abstract reasoning. I learned to think more deeply and to analyze and process my thoughts in many different manners. I started to use values and beliefs in order to develop a concrete point of view about certain subjects.
  • Authority orientation (Conventional level) - Kohlberg

    In this stage, right and wrong is determined by society's rules and laws, which should be obeyed rigidly. I learned that it is against the law not to follow street signals. So, I started to drive by following all the driving rules and laws.
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    Intimacy vs Isolation - Erikson

    In this stage of my life, and Erikson's 6th stage, I will be opening myself more intimately to others, and I will start to explore relationships and the virtue of love. I hope to find someone to spend the rest of my life with, and probably have children of my own.
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    Generativity vs Stagnation - Erikson

    In this stage, Erikson's 7th stage, I hope to be able to leave a mark on earth. I hope to be able to do something for my community and give something back to the people who helped me develop and grow during my whole life. I hope to be able to raise happy children, and be a productive and involved member of society.
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    Integrity vs Despair - Erikson

    In this stage, I hope to be able to look back at a productive life of my own, explore life as a retired person, and spend time with family and close life-long friends.