From the bottom of the barrel, to the Top of the Mountain

  • Slavery

    This was when the first African Americans were purchased at auction
  • Abolition

    This is when the Idea and thought of abolition started, however it was not passed, until later in time
  • Period: to

    Slavery to White House

  • Antebellum

    A time where there were free african americans, but they were not trated as if they were free
  • Civil War

    Black Soldiers are now allowed to fight in wars, as enlisted men
  • Reconstruction

    Blacks now have political power, such as voting rights
  • Progressive Era

    Laws were passed limiting the Blacks Freedom. Such as segrigated facilities
  • World War 1

    Blacks were once again allowed to fight in segregated units
  • Between the wars

    Between the wars blacks searched for work in new nothern factories and large facilities
  • World War 2

    The tuskeegee air men were established and became the first and debatebly one of the greatest african american flight groups ever
  • Civil Rights

    Martin Luther King Jr. fought for Black rights and greatly influenced the ending of segregation
  • Politics

    President obama was elected making him the first African American President ever