Girl reading clipart

From Tantrums To Hormones

  • 13 to 18 years old

    13 to 18 years old
    *Experimentation with different styles
    *May withdraw from family
    *Emotional ups and downs
    *May argue more
  • 11 and 12 years old

    11 and 12 years old
    *Peer pressure in heightened
    *Crave parental guidance
    *Friendships strengthen
    *Hormone levels spike and cause behavioral changes
    *Crave independence in choosing friends and decision making
    *Often are embarassed to be seen with parents
    *Physical development may cause embarrassment
  • 10 years old

    10 years old
    *Believes in bending rules in his or her favor/ makes excuses for negative behaviors
    *Finds value in friends keeping promises
    *Generally obiedient
  • 9 years old

    9 years old
    *This is a time of awkwardness
    *Trouble sitting still
    *Rebels if caregiver is too strict/places too many restrictions on child
    *Friends become more important than parents
  • 8 years old

    8 years old
    *Believes all rules are firm and not flexible
    *Prefers to play with same gender
    *Wants parents attention and wants parents to agree with their way of thinking
    *Need structure, encouragement, and recognition
  • 7 years old

    7 years old
    *Complains a lot, especially about parents
    *Think they are adopted, even if they are not
    *Feel like they are not treated well
    *Care about what others think of them
  • 6 years old

    6 years old
    *Very independent
    *Wrapped up in the rules
    *Expresses knowledge of rules by tattling on others
    *Busy but clumsy
    *Possible temper tantrums
    *Behaves best for father and worst for mother
  • 5 years old

    5 years old
    *Can use the bathroom independently
    *Independently dresses self
    *Eager to help with family/classroom chores
    *Needs positive reinforcement for positive behaviors
    *Needs supervision
    *Needs plenty of sleep, healthy food, and exercise