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From Shackles to Dreams ~ Faith O'Neal

By foneal
  • Start of Slavery

    Start of Slavery
    Slaves from Africa were forcefully removed from their home land. American population was rapidly growing. They needed more labor to support the population. They didn't want to pay for the labor, so they made slaves work for free.
  • Fugative Slave Law

    Fugative Slave Law
    The Fugitive Slave Law says that runaway slaves will be captured. If the slaves were to run away to an area that was free from slavery, the government and residents in that area would have to capture and retern them. This also conveyed how slaves were taking action (by running away).
  • Importation of Slaves are Banned

    Importation of Slaves are Banned
    A law was created, that no new slaves were to be imported from Africa to the United States. The law was promoted by president Thomas Jefferson. There was a population of over 4 million slaves, so they didn’t need any more.
  • African Slaves Rebell at Sea

    African Slaves Rebell at Sea
    Some African slaves rebelled against kidnappers on the slave ship. They ended up killing the captain. The ship still arrived in the United States.
  • Fredrick Douglass- Abolitionist Newspaper

    Fredrick Douglass- Abolitionist Newspaper
    Frederick Douglass published an abolitionist newspaper. It was called “The North Star”. It was about anti slavery.
  • Harriet Tubman Escapes

    Harriet Tubman Escapes
    Harriet Tubman was an African American slave that escaped. She escaped through the Underground Railroad. She then went back to help other African Americans ecsape slavery too.
  • Lincoln- The Emancipation Proclamation

    Lincoln- The Emancipation Proclamation
    Lincoln created this to say that when this got issued, all men and women would be free (including slaves). No slaves were freed with this. He said this to motivate the slaves to fight for America.
  • First college for Black Women

    First college for Black Women
    Spelman College was the first historically known college for black women. It was founded in Atlanta Georgia. This college was an art school.
  • Jackie Robinson- Breaking Color Barrier

    Jackie Robinson- Breaking Color Barrier
    Jackie Robinson breaks the baseball color barrier. During his first season in the Major Leagues, he encountered rascism. This didn’t affect his preformance. He was very talented at baseball and the racism eventually ended.
  • Emmett Till- Brutally Beaten

    Emmett Till- Brutally Beaten
    Emmett Till, a young African American (14), was brutally beaten after whistling at a white woman. This was a racist attack. He had an open casket funeral to shed light on the fact that racism was still present and very devastating.
  • The Little Rock Nine

    The Little Rock Nine
    A group of young African Americans are sent to school for the first time. This started many white riots. The kids experienced a lot racism in this event but they managed to graduate.
  • Martin Luther King Jr- Dream Speech

    Martin Luther King Jr- Dream Speech
    This speech was delivered during the march on Washington. The march was for jobs and freedom. This speech conveyed his hope for actual freedom for all.