Roosevelt Opposes Aggression
President Franklin Roosevelt criticized Japan's aggression in a speech in Chicago. Speaking in a city where american isolationists sentiments were strong. -
Hitler Launches a Blitzkrieg Against Poland
Not wanting to fight a war on two fronts, Germany signed the Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact with the Soviets. The 2 former rivals publicly promised not to attack one another. -
War Erups in Europe
War came to Europe, when a massive German blitzkrieg, or sudden attack, hit Poland from three directions. It was a relatively new style of warefare that emphasized the use of speed and firepower to penetrate deep into the enemy's territory. -
France Falls to the Axis Powers
Germany attacked Denmark and Norway. The two countries fell almost immediately. -
France Falls to the Axis Powers
He sent his blitzkrieg forces into the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. The small nations fell like tumbling dominoes. Hitler seemed invincible; his army unstoppable. -
The Battle of Britain Is Gought in the Air
The battle or Britain, then, was an air battle, fought over the English channel and Great Britain. The British lost nearly 1,000 planes, the Germans more than 1,700. Germ,any bombed civilian as well as military targets, destroying houses, factories, and churches. -
Roosevelt Inches Toward Involvement
After the fall of France Germany, Italy, and Japan signed the tripartite pact and became allies. In the same month, after a heated debate between isolationists and interventionalists, passed a selective service act- a peacetime draft- providing for the military training of 1,2 million troops and 800,000 reserved troops each year. -
Lend-Lease Gives Aid to the Allies
Congress approved the Land-Lease act, symbolically numbered 1776, after another heated debate between isolationists and interventionalists. The act authorized Roosevelt to "sell, transfer title to, exchanged, lease,land or otherwise dispose of, to any such government any defense article." -
U.S. Navy Battles German U-Boats
Germany had gone to war against the Soviet Union,and by November, war against the United States seemed Inevitable. Through the United States was still officially a neutral nation, Roosevelt gave orders to the navy to attack German U- boats on sight -
The atlantic Charter Reinforces American’s Support of Britain
President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill met secretly on a warship off the misty coast of Newfoundland, On board the ship signed the Atlantic Charter, a document that endorsed national self-determination and an internation system of "general security."