Iwo jima

From Hiroshima to the End of WW2

  • First atomic bomb tested in the U.S.

    First atomic bomb tested in the U.S.
    The Manhattan Project comes to a successful end as the first atomic bomb ever used is tested in Alamogordo, New Mexico. The code word for the test detonation was 'Trinity'.
  • The bombing of Hiroshima occurs

    The bombing of Hiroshima occurs
    On August 6, 1945 at 8:15 am, the world's first atomic bomb that was used as a weapon was dropped over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The bomb, nicknamed "Little Boy", instantly killed 80,000 people.
  • USSR invades and declares war on Japan

    USSR invades and declares war on Japan
    On the 8th of August 1945, the Soviet Union officially declared war on Japan and invaded Japan-occupied Manchuria with more than 1 million soldiers.
  • The bombing of Nagasaki occurs

    The bombing of Nagasaki occurs
    Originally intended to drop over Kokura, Japan, a B-29 operated by Maj. Charles Sweeny is dropped over Nagasaki, Japan. 70,000 people died instantly. Japan decided to surrender as soon as possible.
  • President Truman's radio address

    President Truman's radio address
    The president at the time, President Truman, talks to the U.S. over the radio, announcing that the first atomic bomb had been dropped in Hiroshima.
  • Japan accepts an unconditional surrender

    Japan accepts an unconditional surrender
    Japanese citizens were notified of Japans surrender to the Allies on this day (However, on August 15, this news was spread to the rest of the world).
  • General Wainwright is released

    General Wainwright is released
    General Jonathan Wainwright, who was captured in Manchuria by the Japanese, became free by Russian forces.
  • B-29s drop sustenence to Allies in China

    B-29s drop sustenence to Allies in China
    On this day, American B-29s snuck in over the skies and delivered supplies to Allied POW.
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    The formal surrendering of Japan was held as a ceremony in Tokyo on a day now known as V-J Day. This was considered the end of World War 2.
  • The United Nations is born

    The United Nations is born
    A total of over 50 nations signed the United Nations Charter, a treaty designed to create as much peace and harmony between the countries as possible.