Fort Vancouver Constructed
After touring through the forts of HBC throughout Oregon Sampson decided HBC was not making the most of their resources. Placed on the north bank of the Columbian river. John Mcloughlin was chief factor. -
Chief factor of the new port Fort Vancouver, he was a capable administrator and a fur trader. He was a political realist. He also understood that the Americans were going to settle the region south of Columbia River , so he conviced them to stay south of HBC territory with money andsupplies -
George Simpson closes all HBC costal forts except Fort SImpson
As Sampson toured around he can to the decision that trade he discovered had not expanded as he had hoped, forcing him to shut down all costal forts. This move made mcloughlin furious. -
Simpson ordered Fort Vancouvers cheif factor at the time, James Douglas, to establish a new depot on Vancouver Island. It was named Fort Victoria after Lucas Victoria. He was replaced by Frederick Seymour and Aurther Kennedy -
Oregon Boundry Treaty
Treaty extended the boundry along the 49th parallel to divide land claimed by the British and America -
Colony of vancouver Island established
British government decided that the pacific coast required a presance more than just the HBC, thus creating the crown colony of Vancouver Island. -
Gold discovered on the Thompson RIver
A trade from HBC presented James Douglas with gold from along the banks of the Thompson river. DOuglas feared it would bring many minners into the colony , which it eventually did. -
Colony of British Columbia (mainland) established
James Douglas saw the a large majority of the miners we actually americans. He realized the British Columbia had become extremely valuble for Americans wanting to expand thier land north. Communicating to the Colonial Office in London to help stop this he was placed as the new governor of the newly formed crown colony. -
After James Douglas returned as the governor of British Columbia and Vancouver Island, Seymour took over as governor of British Columbia and Aurthur Kenedy took over on Vancouver Island -
Cariboo Wagon Road completed
AFter 4 years and about $750,000 the building of the cariboo wagon road had finally come to and end. This road covered 650km and went from the Fraser Canyon to Barkerville. -
Union of British Columbia and Vancouver Island
The colony of Vancouver Island had a large amoung of debt. Britan was not going to provide subsidies to aid in the colony's current situation, so they joined Vancouver Island and British Columbia August 6th 1866. -
Took over Seymour's position after his sudden death. Musgrave's only instructions from the British Colonial office were to get British Columbia to join the confederation. -
British Columbia enters confederation
British Columbia suffered great financial losses due to the high expense of the Cariboo Road. Prospectors came and told British Columbia they had to join confederation if they wanted to still thrive. -
CPR moves terminus to Vancouver
William Van Horne arived in Port Moody to establish the exact location of the terminus CPR. He discovered that the harbour couldn't accomidate deep-sea vessles which needed to dock, load and unload cargo. He travelled further into Gastown and finally found what he had been looking for. A deep water ancjorage with an expense of flat land ideal for railyards.