From Colonies to States 1607–1776

  • Period: to

    From Colonies to States 1607–1776

  • First Navigation Act passed by Parliament

  • Glorious Revolution

  • Albany Plan of Union

  • Seven Years’ War (French and Indian War)

  • Treaty of Paris ends Seven Years’ War

  • Royal Proclamation Act

  • Pontiac’s Rebellion begins

  • Sugar Act and Stamp Act

  • Repeal of the Stamp Act

  • Stamp Act Congress

  • Townshend Acts

  • Tea Act and Boston Tea Party

  • Boston Massacre

  • Coercive Acts

  • Military conflict at Lexington and Concord

  • Continental Congress creates an army

  • First meeting of Continental Congress

  • Continental Congress declares independence

  • Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense