Barack obama 1200 690x362

from alabama to obama

  • the slavery in U.S.A.

    the slavery in U.S.A.
    before 1865 the slavery was legal and the black people were enslaved from wite people, but after the abolition of the slavery (1865) the doctrine separate but equal the black people were devided from wite in all the things like the bus the toilets and the oder service.
  • population's protests

    population's protests
    the protests start wen in 1955 a black women called Rosa parks don't give her seath to a wite people and she was arrested, for this the other people black and withe start some protest and boycott so they stop to use the bus and they continue for 11 months
  • protest continue

    protest continue
    in Birmingham (alabama)a group of students start a protest and the police try to stop it but after this protest the ku klux klan start to attac afro-american and bomb a church and kill four girls
  • stop to segregation

    stop to segregation
    the civil rights made illegal the racial segregation after the selma to montgomery that laws were passed
  • Martin Luther King jr

    Martin Luther King jr
    he was a leader for the people that protest for black liberation and he won the Nobel price for the peace
  • the TV help the protest

    the TV help the protest
    the TV series roots help to propagate the condition of the black people in all the world
  • the black were discriinate again

    the black were discriinate again
    after all of that protest the police continue to kill the black people and for that in the city of los angeles starts the riots and 53 people were killed
  • the discrimination stop

    the discrimination stop
    the black discrimination parcialy stop wen Colin powell and Condoleeza rice become secretary andpolicy adviser
  • the black continue to have a political power

    the black continue to have a political power
    Barack Obama becomed the fris afro american president in 2008 his election is see like a big step for the totaly integration of the black people in U.S.A.