The Black Americain Dream

  • 1492

    Christopher Colombus discovers America

    Christopher Colombus discovers America
    Discovery of America
  • Period: to

    The slavery start in America

    The first European immigrants board the ship
    of the Mayflower.
  • Freedom's Journal

    Freedom's Journal
    Freedom's Journal was the first African-American owned and operated newspaper published in the United State. It was published with the 16 March 1827.
  • Period: to

    The Civil War

    It is the civil warefare between the North and the South.
    More than 186 000 blacks serve in the northern army.
  • Assassination of the Abraham Lincoln

    Assassination of the Abraham Lincoln
    In Washington by a southern sympathizer during a theatrical performance.
  • National Association for the Advancement

    National Association for the Advancement
    Creation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. It is the first organization for to fight against civil rights of black people.
  • First major wave of migration

    One million Black Americans leave
    the rural South and migrate to the urban areas of the Northeast and Midwest.
  • Death of Martin Luther King

    Death of Martin Luther King
    Martin Luther King was killed in Memphis by sniper
  • Barack Obama is president in America

    Barack Obama is president in America
    It is the fist black president in America.
    He became president with 52.9% of the votes.