An Idea is Planted
Engles meets Moses Hess, a German socialist, and is converted to communism. Hess persuades Engels to move to England where class divisions were rising. -
Radical Ideas Begin to Spread
Engels works at his father’s textile plant in Manchester, England. In his spare time, he writes communist articles, highlighting the political and economical problems in the lives of workers. His articles were published in prominent, English journals. -
A Friendship is Formed
Engels meets Karl Marx in Paris. Together, they would become life-long partners and create scientific socialism. Scientific socialism or Marxism is a political, social, and economical philosophy which promotes communism over capitalism. Communism is an ideology that believes in a classless state, with no private property, where all production has common ownership rather than belonging to individuals. -
The Conditions of the Working Class in England
Engels writes his first book, The Conditions of the Working Class in England. This was written at the peak of the Industrial Revolution. He compiles his observations of the class struggle, their poor working and living conditions. His book was the first to make note of the labor market effects on the workers. He believed capitalism should be overthrown and socialism would help the workers thrive. Engles, Friedrich. The Conditions of the Working Class in England. Leipzig, Wigand, 1845 -
The Communist Manifesto
With Marx, Engles writes The Communist Manifesto. This book would become the foundation of Communism. Engles’ philosophy would impact the world by launching revolutions around the globe. The effects of which are still felt today. Communism spread to Russia, China, Cuba, Korea, Germany, Vietnam, Laos, Afghanistan, Albania, and countries in Africa. Marx, Karl. The Communist Manifesto. London, Communist League, 1848. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o93NT6bfPao -
The USSR is Formed
Although years after Engels' death, one remarkable result of the spreading of Communism is probably best recognized as the forming of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.