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Frida Kahlo's life

  • Did she have a brother?

    Did she have a brother?
    Yes, she had a brother named Guillermo (he was born in 1906)
  • when was born?

    when was born?
    She was born in Coayacán, Mexico City on July 6, 1907
  • Did she have sisters?

    Did she have sisters?
    Yes, she had 2 sisters and they were: Matilde (born in 1899) Adriana (born in 1902)
  • did she suffer an event that marked her life?

     did she suffer an event that marked her life?
    El 17 de septiembre de 1925 Frida sufrió un grave accidente cuando el autobús en el que ella viajaba fue arrollado por un tranvía, quedando aplastado contra un muro y completamente destruido.
  • What was your first self-portrait in oil?

    What was your first self-portrait in oil?
    In September 1926 he painted his first self-portrait in oil, which he dedicated to Alejandro Gómez Arias
  • first marriage

    first marriage
    The artist married Diego Rivera on August 21, 1929
  • Residence in the United States

    Residence in the United States
    The political environment in Mexico for left-wing sympathizers became complicated due to the government of Plutarco Elías Calles. He received assignments in the neighboring country, moving his residence there between 1931 and 1933 and spending most of his time in New York and Detroit.
  • First exhibitions

    First exhibitions
    In 1939 Frida Kahlo finished a self-portrait, where she reflected her two personalities: Las dos Fridas. In this painting, he assimilated the marital crisis, through the separation between Frida in Tehuana dress, Diego's favorite, and the other Frida, with European roots, the one who existed before her meeting with him.
  • Artistic recognition

    Artistic recognition
    During these years, the artistic recognition of his work increased, especially in the United States. He participated in important group exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston and the Museum of Art in Philadelphia
  • Last years

    Last years
    In February 1954 Frida wrote explicitly in her diary about her suicidal ideas. Describing the physical and mental pain of the last six months after the amputation as a great torture, she pointed out that, although she continued to think about taking her own life, the only thing holding her back was Diego Rivera, whom she did not want to leave because he had "vanity" to believe that he would need her.