Frida Kahlo

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    Frida Kahlo

    Frida Kahlo, a Mexican woman and author of 150 works, mainly self-portraits, in which she predicted her difficulties to survive.
  • Frida y Diego Rivera

    Frida y Diego Rivera
    Frieda and Diego Rivera is an oil painting from 1931. This portrait was created two years after Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera were married, and is considered a wedding portrait. The painting shows Frida standing next to her artist husband, Rivera.
  • Las dos Fridas

    Las dos Fridas
    It is a double self-portrait painted in oil and finished the year the artist divorces her husband. Both Fridas are sitting on a bench holding hands. The one on the right side is dressed in a Mexican suit and the other wears a white European-style suit. Both have an exposed heart, with the difference that the heart artery of the Mexican Frida ends in a small portrait of the artist Diego Rivera, and the heart artery of the European Frida ends up cut with a surgical scissors.
  • Autorretrato con collar de espinas y colibrí

    Autorretrato con collar de espinas y colibrí
    It is painted in front of a forest of tropical green leaves, dressed in a white robe. On her head are two butterflies resting in her elaborate hairstyle, with two dragonflies flying near her. Kahlo has painted herself with a necklace of thorns, with the spikes piercing her skin and causing her to bleed. A monkey on his right shoulder pulls the collar, while a black cat on the left arches his back. Finally we can see a hummingbird lying face down at the base of its throat.
  • Sin Esperanza

    Sin Esperanza
    This is his most disturbing painting and it represents a banquet of death. We can see the artist is lying on the bed while she is eating meat and fish with a funnel. In the top of the food we can see a sugar skull which means the end of life. Furthermore, we can see how she is portrayed with a face of suffering and crying. When this painting was made, she rarely ate which led to her losing a large amount of weight and was really fed with a funnel as she refused to eat.
  • Ciervo Herido

    Ciervo Herido
    The painting was made after an operation for her back pain because of an accident she had. The surgery didn’t work and this painting is possibly a reflection of the disappointment she felt at the time. Frida had a little deer called "Granizo" from which she was inspired. The deer has different arrows stuck in it which means the pain she was going through.