Frida Kahlo

  • Period: to


    It was a stage in which Frida experienced various ilneses and because of this, she started to feel rejected by different children. Also she started to feel loneliness and because of that she started painting pictures that reflect her current situation. In addition, he experienced how his father became ill because of a brain disease.
  • Birth

    Coyoacán, City of México, México
  • Illness

    She suffered infantile paralysis, which caused various injuries, accidents and operations. This first illness forced her to stay in bed for nine months and left on him permanent sequels.
  • Period: to

    Young time and her beginning on painting

    It was a stage where Frida matured by go through different experiences; since his serious accident to discover his vocation for painting.
  • Institute education

    Institute education
    She entered on the National Preparatory School of Mexico City, which is an educational institution in Mexico, which had recently begun to admit female students. Also, she always aspired to study medicine.
  • Painting

    He worked as an apprentice in the printing and engraving workshop of Fernando Fernández Domínguez, eho was a friend of his father who taught him to draw by copying prints by Anders Zorn, her father´s friend thought that he had detected special gifts on Frida for this art of painting.
  • Accident

    She suffered a serious accident when the bus in which she was traveling was hit by a tram, being crushed against a wall and completely destroyed. Her spine was fractured in three parts, she suffered fractures in two ribs, in the clavicle and in the pelvic bone. She also fractured her right leg in eleven parts and got her right foot and her left shoulder dislocated.
  • Period: to

    First marriage, Diego Rivera

    Frida met Diego when she wanted to show him her own work. Diego was impressed with her paintings and their animation. Since then, he was a constant guest at the house of the Kahlo. Then she got married in 1929 but ten years later in 1939, they get divorced.
  • Period: to

    First exhibitions

    In 1939 Frida Kahlo finished a self-portrait where she reflected her two personalities: "The two Fridas". In this picture, he assimilated the marriage crisis, this was between the Frida in a suit of Tehuana, Diego's favorite, and the other Frida, of European roots, the one that existed before his encounter with him.
    That same year he exhibited in Paris at the gallery Renón et Collea thanks to Breton. This stay in the French capital led her to interact with the Malaga painter Picasso.
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    Artistic recognition

    During these years, the artistic recognition of his work was increasing, especially in the USA. UU He participated in important group exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston and at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
  • Work as a teacher

    Work as a teacher
    She taught painting at La Esmeralda School in Mexico City.
  • Hospitalization

    It was hospitalized again in City of México for a year.
  • Period: to

    Last years

    These years she wrote about her experience in life and also she made several exhibitions of her paintings thanks to her recognition of the moment.
  • Death

    She death with 47 years old in Coyoacán, City of México, México
  • Frida Kahlo museum

    Frida Kahlo museum
    Is in number 247 of London street in Coyoacán, City of México, México