Frida photo

Frida Kahlo

By kmh17
  • Born

    Frida was born in Coyoacán, Mexico City, Mexico in 1907.
  • The Diagnosis

    The Diagnosis
    Frida was diagnosed with Polio. While she was in recovery, her dad gave her some paints to play with for entertainment.
  • Bus Accident

    Bus Accident
    Frida was in a bus accident along with her boyfriend, Alejandro. She broke her pelvic bone, spinal column, and had other injures.
  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    Frida really turned to art after the bus accident. She started painting in the hospital while she recovered. A year after the accident, she encountered Diego Rivera in Mexico City. He told her to keep painting.
  • Marriage

    Frida and Diego were married in the town hall of Coyoacán.
  • Moving Day

    Moving Day
    Frida moved to San Francisco with Diego due to his new job. Frida was living in the shadow of Diego. Her art was not being seen because people paid more attention to Diego. She stopped art for a while to be a good housewife.
  • The First of Many

    The First of Many
    Frida painted a portrait of Diego and herself based on their wedding picture. This was shown at the "Sixth Annual Exhibition of the San Francisco Society of Women." This was the first showing of her work.
  • "Los Tres Amigos"

    "Los Tres Amigos"
    Frida shows gratitude to her doctor and friend, Dr. Eloesser, by painting a portrait of him beside a boat named "Los Tres Amigos".
  • Moving Again

    Moving Again
    Frida and Diego moved, once again, to Detroit. Diego had been awarded a commission from the Ford Motor Company to paint a mural at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Frida became pregnant, but lost the baby.
  • "My Dress Hangs There"

    "My Dress Hangs There"
    After Diego finished the Detroit murals, Diego and Frida traveled to New York City where Diego was commissioned to paint a mural in the Rockefeller Center. While Diego painted the mural, Frida worked on her painting "My Dress Hangs There". Frida expresses her view of the United States in this painting. This was controversial considering Diego was painting his view, which was the exact opposite of hers, for his mural.
  • Moving Back Home

    Moving Back Home
    Frida and Diego moved back home to Mexico, both being unhappy in their relationship. They both had many affairs during this time.
  • The Affair

    The Affair
    Frida and Diego invite Leon Trotsky and his wife to stay with them while they are in Mexico. Shortly after they arrived, Frida and Leon became close and started a secret relationship. The affair ended later in July.
  • Her First Exhibit

    Her First Exhibit
    Four of Frida's paintings were included in a group exhibition at the Galeria de Arte at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. This was the first public showing of Frida's artwork in Mexico.
  • Spreading the Word

    Spreading the Word
    Frida met André Breton, who helped arrange for some exhibits of her work. After a few minor exhibitions as well as one major solo exhibit at the Julian Levy Gallery of New York City, word about her art started to spread.
  • Flying Solo

    Flying Solo
    Frida traveled to New York for her first solo exhibition at the Julien Levy Gallery. Diego told her to go because it would help her career. Diego's real motive was to punish Frida for her affair with Leon Trotsky, but it ended up actually helping her career. Frida had became known as an artist and was no longer referred to as just "the wife of Diego Rivera".
  • The Divorce

    The Divorce
    Frida spent some time in Paris where she exhibited some of her paintings and made friendships with artists Marcel Duchamp and Pablo Picasso. She divorced Diego later that year. While in Paris, she painted one of her most famous works, The Two Fridas. The paintings shows two versions of herself with both of their hearts exposed. These figures are believed to represent “unloved” and “loved” versions of Frida.
  • Remarry

    While Frida was recuperating, Dr. Eloesser convinced Diego to forgive and remarry Frida. Frida agreed to remarry Diego under two conditions: no sex and no money. Frida wanted to pay for herself and didn't want to owe anything to Diego. She moved back to Mexico and Diego joined her after he was no longer suspected for the attempted assassination of Leon Trotsky.
  • The Diary

    The Diary
    Frida became very depressed and decided to begin keeping a diary to document her emotional feelings in writing and drawings. She continued to make entries in the diary until she died. This diary later became the key to a better understanding of Frida and her art.
  • Period: to


    Frida Kahlo was not only an artist, but a strong, independent women. She worked hard and made a name for herself in a competitive industry. She used her wisdom and emotions to paint beautiful paintings that had a great impact in the art society. Her works are still talked about and shown in Art Museums. Her art is timeless and will continue to make an impact in the art world. Frida Kahlo has a legacy that will live on forever.
  • Death

    A few day before she passed, Frida wrote in her diary "I hope the exit is joyful- and I hope never to return- Frida”. The official cause of death was written as a pulmonary embolism. Some suspect that she died from an overdose that may or may not have been accidental. An autopsy was never performed. She had been very ill in the previous year and her right leg was amputated at the knee, due to gangrene. She died at the age of 47.